The Interoperability Proving Ground has been archived and is no longer actively maintained. All information identified as archived is provided for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes.

Interoperability Proving Ground (IPG) submissions within the ONC Tech Lab are submitted by healthcare, technology and development organizations that are invested in Health IT and Interoperability and want to share, learn and collaborate with similar stakeholders in the US, and around the world.

To view all submissions, please view the IPG link located within the ONC Techlab.

Prescription Drug Monitoring Program - Epic

Epic is responsible for developing and implementing interfaces according to national standards like HL7 and NCPDP. Their customers have thousands of interface instances live in production transmitting billions of messages per year. The goal is to conduct a successful proof of concept between Epic (EHR) and one or more PDMPs using NCPDP 10.6 test messages. The other goal is to provide feedback to the group so that an easy to implement national standard can be established for integrating EHRs and PDMPs. For this initial pilot Epic is looking to test the standard NCPDP 10.6 RxHistoryRequest/RxHistoryResponse message types with one or more PDMPs. Epic has customers nationwide so they are particularly interested in establishing a single standard that all EHR, PDMP, and pharmacy vendors would use. Epic completed the NCPDP - PDMP RTM.
Start Date
Projected End Date
Project Tags
  • PDMP
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Project Results