Buy, Store & Serve Safe Food
FDA provides educational resources related to food safety, including how you can safely buy, store, prepare and serve food.
People at Risk of Foodborne Illness
Are you or a loved one in an “at-risk” category for foodborne illness? Learn what you need to know to protect yourself and your family.
What You Need to Know about Foodborne Illnesses
While the American food supply is among the safest in the world, the Federal government estimates that there are about 48 million cases of foodborne illness annually—the equivalent of sickening 1 in 6 Americans each year.
The Nutrition Facts Label
Learn how to use it as a tool for maintaining healthy dietary practices
Advice about Eating Fish
For those who might become or are pregnant or breastfeeding and children ages 1 - 11 years
Feed Your Mind
Better understand genetically engineered foods, commonly called GMOs
Food Loss and Waste
Resources to help you do your part to reduce food loss and waste