Learning Activities
CDERLearn in the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) offers a variety of learning opportunities for healthcare professionals, industry, consumers, and academia. The goal is to create a body of educational and information modules about human drug regulation and activities. CDERLearn is a way to share FDA expertise in specific subject areas to further instruct the public about the many ways CDER protects and promotes public health. CDERLearn
MedWatch Safety Alerts
Mar 07
Medtronic Neurosurgery Recalls Duet External Drainage and Monitoring System Catheter Tubing due to a Potential for the Catheter Disconnection from the Patient Line Stopcock Connectors
Medical Devices
Mar 07
Do Not Use Certain Cardinal Health Monoject Luer-Lock and Enteral Syringes – FDA Safety Communication
Mar 07
Cardinal Health Recalls Sterile Monoject Luer-Lock and Enteral Syringes Due to a Change in Manufacturing
Medical Devices