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  1. Visitor Information

Campus Access and Security

Security Screening

All visitors must go through security screening:

  • Going through a metal detector or being scanned with a handheld metal detector
  • Putting bags through an x-ray machine and hand inspection

Please be aware: Federal law prohibits the following items on Federal property: firearms, explosives, archery equipment, weapons, knives with blades over 2½ inches, alcoholic beverages, open containers of alcohol and marijuana (cannabis).

Campus Access

Public Meetings

Public meeting attendees do not need an escort or a temporary badge. After passing through security screening, public meeting attendees will be directed to the meeting room(s).

Meetings with FDA Staff (Non-public Meetings)

All visitors not attending a public meeting must present a government-issued photo-identification after security screening. Green-card holders must present their Permanent Resident Card (green card). Visitors who are not U.S. citizens must present a valid passport.


Your identification will be used to create a temporary badge, which you must always wear prominently displayed above the waist at all times while at the FDA.

Visitors who are not U.S. citizens must be preapproved before arrival at the FDA.


All visitors not attending a public meeting must be escorted by an FDA employee at all times while in FDA facility.

Visitors who are not U.S. citizens must have an escort who is an FDA employee or contractor, a U.S. citizen, and certified by the FDA Office of Security Operations to be an escort.

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