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Selected Food, Drug, Cosmetic, Device and Tobacco Laws

Selected Federal Food, Drug, Cosmetic, and Device Laws

Name of Law Date
Vaccine Act February 27, 1813
Drug Importation Act June 26, 1848
Tea Importation Act March 3, 1883
Food and Drug Importation Act August 30, 1890
Tea Importation Act March 2, 1897
Food Importation Act March 1, 1899
Biologics Control Act July 1, 1902
Pure Food and Drugs Act June 30, 1906
Meat Inspection Act June 30, 1906
Sherley Amendment August 23, 1912
Federal Trade Commission Act September 26, 1914
Harrison Narcotic Act December 17, 1914
Federal Food, Drugs, and Cosmetic Act June 25, 1938
Miller Amendment June 24, 1948
Durham-Humphrey Amendment October 26, 1951
Factory Inspection Amendment August 7, 1953
Miller Pesticides Amendment July 22, 1954
Food Additives Amendment September 6, 1958
Pesticide Chemicals Amendment June 29, 1960
Color Additive Amendment July 12, 1960
Kefauver-Harris Drug Amendments October 10, 1962
Drug Abuse Control Amendments July 15, 1965
Child Protection Act November 3, 1966
Vitamins and Mineral Amendments April 22, 1976
Medical Device Amendments May 28, 1976
Saccharin Study and Labeling Act November 23, 1977
Orphan Drug Act January 4, 1983
Safe Medical Devices Act October 27, 1990
Nutrition Labeling and Education Act November 8, 1990
Mammography Quality Standards Act October 27, 1992
Prescription Drug User Fee Act October 29, 1992
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act October 25, 1994
Food and Drug Modernization Act November 21, 1997
Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 January 4, 2007


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