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  1. For Federal, State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Officials

State Cooperative Programs

What are State Cooperative Programs? 

The State Cooperative Programs are composed of three separate food safety programs: the Grade “A” Milk Safety Program, the National Shellfish Sanitation Program, and the Retail Food Protection Program. 

What is FDA’s role in the administration of State Cooperative Programs?

State, local, tribal, and territorial regulatory agencies have primary responsibility for: illness surveillance; response to outbreaks; regulation of Grade “A” milk plants and farms; molluscan shellfish growing waters and processing, as well as retail and foodservice establishments. FDA provides technical support, guidance, training, and standardization to assist our regulatory partners with reducing foodborne illness associated with these commodities. In support of these programs, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) have been signed between FDA and the Interstate Milk Shippers Conference, the Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference, and the Conference for Food Protection. The authority for these programs is provided in the Public Health Service Act (42 USC 243). Section 311(a). 

Who do I contact for questions about State Cooperative Programs? 

For more information about the Retail Food Protection Program, Grade “A” Milk Safety Program, or the National Shellfish Sanitation Program, call 1-888-723-3366. 

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