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About the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP)

On this page:

What We Do

The FDA Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) is responsible for carrying out the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, which Congress passed in 2009. This law—commonly called the Tobacco Control Act—gives us broad authority to regulate the manufacturing, distribution, and marketing of tobacco products.

CTP takes a comprehensive approach to reduce the negative health effects of tobacco use. We develop policy, issue regulations, conduct research, educate Americans on tobacco products, and make decisions on whether new tobacco products and claims can be marketed—including the review and evaluation of applications and claims before the new products are allowed on the market.
This cohesive, comprehensive approach can help us reach our goals of:

  • Preventing people from starting to use tobacco products
  • Encouraging tobacco users to quit
  • Reducing the harm caused by tobacco use

As we work to protect the public’s health, we use the full power of the law to protect people from the dangers of tobacco use.

Public Education Campaigns
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Educating at risk audiences on the dangers and utilizing the tools given to us by Congress to maximize their potential and positively impact public health

Compliance and Enforcement
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Initiating appropriate enforcement actions that are supported by evidence by conducting inspections, investigations, monitoring, and reviewing activities

Policy, Rulemaking, and Guidance
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Establishing strong product standards and policies for products with nicotine; issuing rules and guidance for manufacturing, distribution, import, and retail sales.

Regulation through Research
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Conducting research to support regulatory science; partnering with others to support important tobacco-related research efforts


Our Vision

To make tobacco-related disease and death part of America's past, not America's future, and, by doing so, ensure a healthier life for every family.

Our Mission

To protect Americans from tobacco-related disease and death by regulating the manufacture, distribution, and marketing of tobacco products and by educating the public, especially young people, about tobacco products and the dangers their use poses to themselves and others.

Jobs, Fellowships, and Internships

Meet Our Leadership

Contact CTP and Connect with Us

Contact and connect with the Center for Tobacco Products. Find  information about how to engage with us on social media, contact our center by email or mail, comment on regulations, apply for funding, report a problem or violation related to a tobacco product, or to contact our CTP Ombudsman.

FDA CTP Budget Information

Read a Budget Summary from the FDA.

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Contact CTP

Contact Point
Center for Tobacco Products
Food and Drug Administration
Document Control Center
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Building 71, Room G335
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002

1-877-CTP-1373 (1-877-287-1373)
(9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Eastern)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FDATobacco
FDA Tobacco Education Resource Library: https://digitalmedia.hhs.gov/tobacco

Center for Tobacco Products

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