FDA/ODT Speaker Request/Invitation
Refer to these procedures to request speakers from FDA/ODT for meetings, conferences, panels, workshops, etc.
Who would you like to invite?
ODT Staff Only
Email: ODTSpeaks@fda.hhs.gov
ODT and Other FDA Staff
NOTE: If the event involves ODT along with staff from the Office of the Commissioner, other FDA centers, including the Office of Regulatory Affairs, please submit the letter of invite via our Requesting Cross-Agency Speakers from FDA portal.
Email: FDASpeaks@fda.hhs.gov
FDA Office of External Affairs
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Bldg. 32 Room 5314
Silver Spring, MD 20993
Fax: 301-595-7932
What to include in your request/invitation
- Event organizer(s) (Name and Organization)
- Event Sponsors
- Date of Event
- Event Location
- Event title, theme, and topic
- Proposed Topic of Discussion for Requested ODT Staff
- Targeted audience and expected number of attendees
- Draft agenda naming all speakers invited and topics
- Is the event co-sponsored by regulated industry?
- Other information particular to this event
To allow adequate time for review, decision making, and travel preparations, organizations should submit the speaker request three to four months in advance of an event held in the United States. For international events, the organization should submit the speaker request four to six months in advance.
What happens after your request has been submitted?
The ODT Communications Team will contact the appropriate office(s) within ODT, and work with the requesters to provide the support most acceptable to all parties.
Some of the factors which may be used by Center management in considering requests are: timeliness of the topic, geographical location, targeted audience, availability of staff, and funding availability.
Once a determination has been made, the ODT Communications Team will provide the official notification of ODT participation to sponsoring organizations.