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  1. OCET Advanced Manufacturing

About the OCET Advanced Manufacturing Program

Program aims to identify cross-cutting technologies and processes, and develop regulatory science tools

Robot arm and human hand meet, with gears, representing the concept of advanced manufacturing

On this page: About advanced manufacturing | Program goals | Program components | Related links

The FDA Office of Counterterrorism and Emerging Threats (OCET) has established a dedicated advanced manufacturing program for innovative, cross-cutting advanced manufacturing technologies to fill unmet regulatory science needs related to rapidly changing and disruptive needs.

About advanced manufacturing

Medical products, some food products, and other regulated products are all manufactured by processes that have been developed, tested and refined over time. Industry research and development sometimes identifies new methods for manufacturing that are improvements over previous generations. Every field has a different set of manufacturing techniques that are considered advanced. They often:

  • Integrate novel technological approaches
  • Use established techniques in a new or innovative way
  • Apply production methods in a new domain where there are no defined best practices or experience.

Examples of some advanced manufacturing technologies that can be used across multiple industries and product types (cross-cutting) include but are not limited to continuous manufacturing and 3D printing. Read more: About Advanced Manufacturing for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response

Program goals

Venn diagram illustrating OCET Advanced Manufacturing Program. Overlapping circles: Intercenter communications, Collaborative research, Infrastructure, Strategy development, Technology demonstration

To support the development and adoption of advanced manufacturing among regulated industry stakeholders, the OCET Advanced Manufacturing Program helps identify cross-cutting platform technologies and processes. Cross-cutting platforms are typically technologies or processes that can be used in two or more FDA regulated product areas. The program aims to build internal FDA expertise, develop regulatory science tools, and create consistent approaches to regulation, ultimately helping facilitate production of regulated products using these new technologies.  

  1. Enhance collaboration in research, standards, and policy when cross-cutting topics affect many product areas
    • Augmenting strong ongoing center research programs with collaborative research opportunities
    • Identifying and leveraging shared lessons learned 
  2. Provide resources for intramural and extramural projects specifically focused on supporting advanced manufacturing for public health emergency response and supply chain resilience
    • Increasing our understanding of key safety or performance criteria when using these technologies
    • Developing benchmarks and validation tools to improve or update evaluation
  3. Enhance internal training capabilities to build FDA experience with novel technologies
    • Providing access to emerging technology demonstrations
    • Developing experiential learning and research programs
  4. Increase internal and external communication and visibility on advanced manufacturing technologies

Program components

OCET’s Advanced Manufacturing Program includes:

Related links


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