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  1. Development & Approval Process (CBER)

Formal Meetings for CBER-Regulated Products

Meetings with industry and sponsor-investigators are a forum for the Agency to provide guidance to representatives of the regulated industry (including sponsors/applicants of user fee-related products) and/or individual sponsor-investigators during product development and facility design, and to facilitate their compliance with the regulations governing development and post-approval marketing of products.

Formal meetings can be conducted face-to-face, in-person and/or virtually, or via teleconference. Written Response Only (WRO) can be sent in lieu of holding a meeting. Please see Update on In-Person Face-to-Face Formal Meetings with FDA for the latest on the return to face-to-face in-person meetings at FDA. The conduct of the meetings and any additional information can be found in the following documents below:

(Please note that INTERACT was formalized under PDUFA VII and these meetings are now subject to performance goals.)

Requestors are encouraged to send meeting requests electronically via the FDA Electronic Submissions Gateway (ESG) to CBER.  Requests not required to be submitted in the eCTD format via the Electronic Submissions Gateway can be emailed as a PDF submission to CBERDCC_eMailSub@fda.hhs.gov. Electronic or email submission is preferred, but requestors may submit paper or electronic media (USB drive, CD, DVD) documents and other regulatory correspondence to the Document Control Center at CBER mailing address:

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
Document Control Center
10903 New Hampshire Avenue
WO71, G112
Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002


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