Language Access
At FDA, we continue to find new ways to meet our diverse population's needs. We know that it is important for consumers to have information that is easy to read and available in a variety of languages and formats. That's why we created the Language Access Program to oversee the implementation of the Language Access Plan: an evolving blueprint to provide people with limited English proficiency easy access to health information in a language and manner that they understand.
We are increasing the amount of consumer information available in other languages and making it accessible from any device.
Resources in other Languages
FDA offers easy-to-read publications in Spanish and other languages that you can access online or print and share.
Sixty million Americans age 5 and over speak a language other than English at home, and 7 percent of Americans don't speak English at all. At FDA, we want to ensure that all people have access to important health information.
Recursos en español (Spanish Language Resources)
- FDA en Español (FDA in Spanish)
- Facebook en Español (FDA Facebook in Spanish)
- Twitter en Español (FDA Twitter in Spanish)
- Pinterest en Español (FDA Pinterest in Spanish)
- Información sobre el almacenamiento de insulina y el cambio entre productos durante una emergencia (Information on insulin storage and switching between products in an emergency in Spanish)
- Publicaciones en español para mujeres (Spanish publications for women)
- Publicaciones en español del Centro de Medicina Veterinaria (CVM)
- Suscribase para recibir alertas en Español- seleccione "Articulos para el consumidor" en la categoría "Consumer Health Info" (Subscribe to FDA email updates in Spanish)
- Acerca de La Participación en Las Investigaciones Científicas (Spanish landing page of About Research Participation)
- Organismos que causan enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos en los EE.UU. (What You Need to Know about Foodborne Illnesses)
- Etiquetado de menús paquete de herramientas para redes sociales y educación al consumidor (Menu Labeling Social Media Toolkit for Consumer Outreach)
- Presentación del Etiquetado de Menús
- Versión Nueva Etiqueta de Información Nutricional (The New Nutrition Facts Label)
- Etiqueta de información nutricional interactiva (Interactive Nutrition Facts Label)
- Cómo usar la etiqueta de información nutricional (Guide for Older Adults on Using the Nutrition Facts Label)
- Sodio: Lea la etiqueta (Sodium on the Nutrition Facts Label)
- Biotecnología Agrícola (Agricultural Biotechnology)
Asian Language Resources
- Products Claiming to "Cure" Cancer Are a Cruel Deception
- Some Bee Pollen Weight Loss Products Are a Dangerous Scam
- Mercury Poisoning Linked to Skin Products
- Some Imported Dietary Supplements and Nonprescription Drug Products May Harm You
Resources in Foreign Languages
FDA provides some materials on women's health and for foods in other languages, such as Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, French, and others.
More Information about the Language Access Program
- Consumer Update: FDA Broadens Its Vocabulary
- Communication Report with Special Attention to Underrepresented Subpopulations (FDASIA 1138)
- Language Access Plan
- FDA Voice Blog: FDA Invests in Innovative Ways to Communicate to Hispanics (October 2015)