FDA's Participation in Codex
Featured Announcements
41st Commission reaffirms commitment to science and consensus
July 9, 2018
FDA participates and exercises leadership in the Codex Alimentarius Commission, by working closely with the U.S. Codex Office at the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The objective of FDA’s participation in Codex is to develop science-based international food safety, labeling, and other pertinent standards that provide consumer protection, labeling information, and prevention of economic fraud and deception that are consistent with U.S. regulations and laws.
FDA uses procedures that promote consumer protection and transparency, as it works with the U.S. Codex Office to develop U.S. Delegation positions on matters before relevant Codex committees.
FDA Participants in CODEX Committees
CFSAN Codex Program Coordinator
Eric Stevens, Eric.Stevens@fda.hhs.gov
General Subject Committees
Policy & Technical Committees
Contact: Julie Moss, Julie.Moss@fda.hhs.gov
Contaminants in Food
Contact: Lauren Robin, Lauren.Robin@fda.hhs.gov
Food Additives
Contact: Paul Honigfort, Paul.Honigfort@fda.hhs.gov
Food Import & Export Inspection & Certification Systems
Contact: Jennifer Thomas, Jennifer.Thomas@fda.hhs.gov
Food Labeling
Contact: Douglas Balentine, Douglas.Balentine@fda.hhs.gov
Methods of Analysis & Sampling
Contact: Gregory Noonan, Gregory.Noonan@fda.hhs.gov
Nutrition & Foods for Special Dietary Uses
Contact: Douglas Balentine, Douglas.Balentine@fda.hhs.gov
Pesticide Residues
Contact: Charlotte Liang, Charlotte.Liang@fda.hhs.gov
Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods
Contact: Brandi Robinson, Brandi.Robinson@fda.hhs.gov
Commodity Committees
Cocoa Products & Chocolate
Cereals, Pulses & Legumes
Contact: Henry Kim, Henry.Kim@fda.hhs.gov
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Contact: David Ingram, David.Ingram@fda.hhs.gov
Fats & Oils
Contact: Paul South, Paul.South@fda.hhs.gov
Fish & Fishery Products
Milk & Milk Products
Natural Mineral Waters
Processed Fruits & Vegetables
Contact: Charlotte Liang, Charlotte.Liang@fda.hhs.gov
Spices & Culinary Herbs
Contact: Aparna Tatavarthy, Aparna.Tatavarthy@fda.hhs.gov