Jobs at FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)
At FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), you can make a difference in protecting the health of the American people. We have an ongoing need for qualified individuals with backgrounds in food safety, nutrition, health-related sciences and health policy.
Opportunities Listed on USAJobs
Additional Employment Opportunities
(not on USAJobs)
Title 21 Job Opportunities
The 21st Century Cures Act was enacted on December 13, 2016 and Section 3072 of the Act grants the Commissioner of Food and Drugs the authority to appoint and set the annual rate of pay for outstanding and qualified candidates to scientific, technical, or professional positions that support the development, review, and regulation of medical products. The FY23 Food and Drug Omnibus Reform Act expanded this authority further amending Title 21 to include cross-cutting operational positions and individuals that support the development review and regulation of food and cosmetics in addition medical products. (codified into Title 21 of the United States Code (21 US Code 379d-3a).
Search Title 21 Open Vacancies
Volunteer and Internship Opportunities
Student Volunteer
Are you an undergraduate or graduate student (including masters, law, and other doctoral programs) interested in advancing your career with an internship at CFSAN? We strongly encourage individuals with diverse educational interests, such as law, chemistry, engineering, biostatistics, public health, public policy, to apply. We offer a limited number of unpaid internships. As a CFSAN Student Volunteer, you can expect to work on substantive projects, develop additional professional skills, improve research skills, and benefit from the personal attention of a mentor.
Pathways - For Students and Recent Graduates to Federal Careers
Under President Obama’s leadership, the Federal Government has taken steps to help students and recent graduates join the Federal service. New opportunities will appear on USAJobs as agencies post them. Visit the Pathways Website to learn about new opportunities. We encourage you to visit this site periodically, or set up a saved search.