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Science Board to the Food and Drug Administration


The Science Board shall provide advice to the Commissioner and other appropriate officials on specific complex scientific and technical issues important to FDA and its mission, including emerging issues within the scientific community. Additionally, the Science Board will provide advice that supports the Agency in keeping pace with technical and scientific developments, including in regulatory science; and input into the Agency's research agenda; and on upgrading its scientific and research facilities and training opportunities. It will also provide, where requested, expert review of Agency sponsored intramural and extramural scientific research programs.

Committee Membership

The Committee shall consist of a core of 21 voting members including a Chair and Co-Chair. The members, Chair and Co-Chair are selected by the Commissioner or designee from among authorities knowledgeable in the fields of food science, safety, and nutrition; chemistry; pharmacology; translational and clinical medicine and research; toxicology; biostatistics; medical devices; imaging; robotics; cell and tissue based products; regenerative medicine; public health and epidemiology; international health and regulation; product safety; product manufacturing sciences and quality; and other scientific areas relevant to FDA regulated products such as systems biology, informatics, nanotechnology, and combination products. Members will be invited to serve for overlapping terms of up to four years. Almost all non-Federal members of this committee serve as Special Government Employees. The core of voting members may include 1 technically qualified member, selected by the Commissioner or designee, who is identified with consumer interests and is recommended by either a consortium of consumer-oriented organizations or other interested persons. The Committee may also include technically qualified federal members.

Rakesh Raghuwanshi, M.P.H., Designated Federal Officer
Office of the Chief Scientist
Office of the Commissioner
WO Bldg. 1, Room 3309
10903 New Hampshire Ave.
Silver Spring, Maryland, 20993
Phone: 301-796-4769
Fax: 301-847-3536
Email: rakesh.raghuwanshi@fda.hhs.gov

Contact Information

FDA Advisory Committee Information Line
(301-443-0572 in the Washington DC area)

Please call the Information Line for up-to-date information on this meeting.

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