Resources for You (Cosmetics)
At-a-Glance information on popular topics, including:
- Report a Problem
- Cosmetics Q&A
- Cosmetics & Pregnancy
- Makeup
- Tattoos & Permanent Makeup
- Tanning Products
(Manufacturers, Packagers, Distributors, Salon Professionals, and Small Businesses)
Quick-reference links for industry members, including:
- Information for Exporters: FAQs
- Information for Importers: FAQs
- Small Businesses and Homemade Cosmetics: Fact Sheet
- Salon Professionals: Fact Sheet
- Soap Makers: Fact Sheet
- Labeling
- Potential Contaminants
- Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program
Health Professionals
- Report a Problem
- Tattoos & Permanent Makeup: Reactions, removal, contaminated inks, more
- Kohl, Kahal, Al-Kahal, or Surma: By Any Name, Beware of Lead Poisoning
- "Hypoallergenic" Cosmetics
More Resources for Health Professionals
Students & Teachers
Resources for Students & Teachers
En Español
- Los tatuajes y el maquillaje permanente: una guía (PDF - 521KB)
- Tintes para el pelo y cremas alisadoras (PDF - 498KB)
- Informe de reacciones adversas: Cómo informar un problema relacionado con productos cosméticos a la FDA
- Uso seguro de los cosméticos
Más recursos sobre los cosméticos en español
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Contact Us
CFSAN Outreach and Information Center
5001 Campus Drive, HFS-009
College Park, MD 20740-3835
10 AM- 4 PM EST
Closed Thurs 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EST
For Updates on Twitter follow
Here you'll find the latest news and information from FDA's Office of Cosmetics.