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Large scale or distressing events such as the train wreck in Pennsylvania, the massive earthquake in Nepal and the protests and episodes of civil unrest occurring in many of our nations’ cities are closely monitored by many people, young and old, on television or the radio or through social media. Some follow these events to find out if they or someone they may know is directly impacted. Others are just trying to get a better understanding of things that seem far away or worrisome. People who watch or listen to too much news coverage or frequently monitor social media of traumatic events, no matter what reasons they are viewing the coverage, can experience increased stress symptoms and emotional distress. Some populations, such as children and the elderly, are even more vulnerable to these kinds of negative emotions if limits are not placed on seeing upsetting images and hearing graphic stories.

Viewing media coverage of traumatic events is especially distressing for children and young children. For very young children, repeated images of an event on the television may be interpreted as the event happening again and again. Young children may not have the cognitive or verbal skills to either understand all that is being seen and heard or to ask the questions to help them make sense of what is truly happening. Listening to the news in the background, and unsupervised, can be just as stressful for children and should be minimized.

Evidence also suggests that adults with pre-existing mental health conditions or prior trauma histories may be more vulnerable to the stressful effects of viewing coverage of emergency events or disasters.

So what can you do to minimize the potentially negative impacts of media coverage while you try and stay informed about what is happening around the world and in your neighborhood? Try and pay attention to the following:

Children and young children:

  • Limit or refrain from letting children, especially young children, watch coverage of traumatic events.
  • If children do watch television, listen to the radio, read the newspaper, or view social media coverage of the event, be sure to watch/listen with them and to discuss what is being seen and heard and be open to answering questions.
  • Misunderstandings frequently emerge for young children and being available for them to correct information and provide support can go a long way to helping them feel safe and cared for.
  • If you do not know the answer, that is ok and you should tell your child that. If you feel you can get the answer, let your child know and then make sure to follow up.
  • Give children a hug and let them know they are safe and that there are people in charge who are working to resolve the situation and who are helping people who were directly impacted by the event.
  • To learn more about how children react to traumatic events at different ages, see SAMHSA’s Tips for Talking with Children and Helping Children and Youth Cope after a Disaster or Traumatic Event.


  • Put some limits on your own media consumption. Pay attention to your feelings and thoughts and end your viewing or reading when you recognize that you have met your limit. Try not to watch televised coverage right before going to bed, as distressing images could disrupt your sleep or dreams.
  • Talk with someone about how you are feeling. If you have seen graphic images or disturbing photos and video and are upset, or if learning about an event has brought up feelings about your own trauma history, reach out to a friend, family member or a mental health professional.
  • Contact the National Disaster Distress Helpline and share information with friends and family as a resource. (1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746.)
  • Utilize healthy coping strategies to manage the distress such as talking with someone, getting plenty of exercise and sleep and eating healthy foods.

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