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Working and Task Groups

HPH Sector working groups and task groups address immediate, long-term, and ongoing cross-sector activities of the HPH Sector and develop projects and deliverables to inform and advise the Sector Coordinating Council and Government Coordinating Council.

Sector Coordinating Council (SCC) Working and Task Groups

The SCC convenes working groups consisting of private sector critical infrastructure owners and operators to address specific long-term and ongoing cross-sector issues faced by the HPH Sector. These working groups collaborate across industries to develop long-term projects with concrete deliverables, ultimately serving to inform and advise the SCC. Similar to working groups, SCC task groups convene private sector partners to focus on short-term projects of immediate importance within one year and support and advise joint SCC and GCC working groups.

Government Coordinating Council (GCC) Working and Task Groups

The GCC establishes working groups consisting of interagency and cross-jurisdictional partners to conduct investigation or research, advise the GCC Executive Committee on specific key issues, directions, or processes, and submit deliverables and recommendations for GCC consideration. GCC task groups conduct activities similar to working groups, however task groups generally focus on short-term projects of immediate importance within one year, and advise joint SCC and GCC working groups.

Joint Working and Task Groups

Joint working and task groups are comprised of both public and private HPH Sector partners and serve to address a specific critical issue through multiple activities, including but not limited to investigation or research, convening key stakeholders, and providing subject matter expertise and advice. The HPH Sector convenes multiple joint task and working groups as Sector needs arise. Below is an example of activities carried out by a working group with associated task groups:

COVID-19 Response Coordination Working Group: The COVID-19 Coordination Working Group will serve as the entity through which Partnership members collaborate to determine and provide consensus advice and recommendations on plans, strategies, and initiatives to combat COVID-19 that involve critical healthcare infrastructure. The Working Group will further serve as a mechanism for enhanced bi-lateral information sharing between the HPH GCC and HPH SCC on COVID-19 coordination issues.

HHS Joint Cybersecurity Working Group: The Joint Cybersecurity Working Group provides a forum for discussion of cybersecurity issues in order to improve the security and resilience of HPH Sector information systems, and serve as the main body of HHS representatives who are called upon for cybersecurity expertise for policy issues, and coordinate incidents that require a holistic response. The Working Group has multiple task groups supporting areas from cybersecurity supply chain issues to telemedicine, including the following:

  • GCC Telemedicine Cybersecurity Task Group: This task group comprised of GCC Cyber Working Group members integrated telemedicine and telehealth considerations into existing cybersecurity, privacy, and risk mitigation activities to address increased cybersecurity threats to these functions.
  • COVID-19 Critical Entities Cyberwatch Task Group: This task group enrolled over 20 partner organizations in Cyber Hygiene (CyHy) vulnerability scanning. This ultimately helps secure internet-facing systems from weak configuration and known vulnerabilities and encourages the adoption of modern security best practices.

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