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1.0 Funding Use Questions

Operational Intent: This question will be asked of each funded sub-recipient to determine to which performance measures they should respond. Sub-recipients will only be asked to provide data for those performance measures that correspond to the outcomes and activities for which they used Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement funding.

1.1 Sub-recipient Question on Facility and Organization Type (collected at end of project year)

PM 1: Please select the sub-recipient type that most closely represents your facility or organization:

  • Acute care hospital
  • Specialty care center
  • Outpatient/ambulatory care (includes primary care clinics, urgent care centers, dialysis, community health centers, etc.)
  • Home and residential care (includes long-term care, home health agencies, skilled nursing facilities, etc.)
  • EMS/pre-hospital (also includes 911 and PSAP)
  • Support service (pharmacy, blood bank, medical supply chain)
  • Hospital system
  • Other health care entity (free response)

1.2 Funding by Sub-Recipient (collected at end of project year)

PM 2: Report the funding amount provided to each sub-recipient.

Program Performance Measure
Data Point
Data Entity and Timing
Amount of Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement funding total and amount provided per sub-award (including 1st and 2nd rounds of funding) Amount of Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement funding (in whole dollars) provided per sub-award during the second performance year (April 10, 2021 – April 9, 2022).

Total amount of funding provided to each hospital association will be prepopulated
Hospital association

(collected at middle of project year and end of project year)

1.3 Estimated Funding by Target Outcomes (collected at end of project year)

PM 3: Select the target outcomes (one or more) that your hospital association, facility, or organization directly used Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement funding to achieve. Hospital Associations should not include funding they distributed to sub-recipients in their response, but should only answer for funding used directly by the Hospital Association. For each targeted outcome for which your hospital association, facility, or organization used cooperative agreement funding, indicate the estimated number of cooperative agreement funding dollars used for the associated outcome. Please leave all other sections blank.

Targeted Cooperative
Agreement Outcome

Estimated number of dollars of Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement funding used for associated activities: hospital association
Estimated number of dollars of Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement funding used for associated activities: sub-recipient

Update and/or train staff to implement COVID-19 pandemic or emergency preparedness plans at the sub-recipient level

Enhance infection control3 for health care professionals and other support services workers
Enhance triage4 training for health care professionals and other support services workers
Procurement of and preservation strategies for optimization of PPE and other supplies and equipment in accordance with CDC guidelines

Plan, train, and implement expanded telemedicine and telehealth capabilities to improve access to care for individuals in their homes or residential facilities, improve 911/PSAP routing of patients to appropriate care settings, or maintain continuity of operations using innovative telemedicine or telehealth approaches

Retrofit, adapt, or create separate health care facility areas to screen and treat large numbers of persons with suspected COVID-19 infections, including isolation areas in or around hospital emergency departments to assess potentially large numbers of PUI for COVID-19 infection

Increase the number of patient care beds to provide surge capacity using alternate care sites or other surge methods.

Administration and management5 of the Hospital Association COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Cooperative Agreement

3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed August 2020. “Transmission-Based Precautions.”
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed July 2020. “Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Triage of Suspected COVID-19 Patients in non-US Healthcare Settings: Early Identification and Prevention of Transmission during Triage.”
5. Administration and management of cooperative agreement funding includes directly distributing funds to hospitals and other related health care entities for special pathogen preparedness and response in their states and jurisdictions and collaborating closely across the health care systems and health care coalitions in the state or jurisdiction to provide ASPR with situational awareness including hospitals' response needs throughout the pandemic.

This is archived ASPR content.