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Evaluation and Performance Measures: 
1.0 Funding Use Questions

Regional Ebola and Other Special Pathogen Treatment Center COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement Performance Measures

Operational Intent: These questions will be asked of each funded recipient and sub-recipient to determine which performance measures they should respond to. Recipients and sub-recipients will only be asked to provide data for those performance measures that correspond to the outcomes and activities for which they used RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement funds.

1.1 Estimated Funding by Target Outcomes[2]

RESPTCs are to select the target outcomes (one or more) that the RESPTC directly used funding from the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement. For each target outcome for which the RESPTC used funding from this COVID-19-specific administrative supplement, indicate the estimated number of funding dollars used for the associated outcome. Please leave all other sections blank. Responses to this question are only used to determine which performance measures will be reported by the sub-recipient and do not replace other financial reporting requirements outlined in 45 CFR 75.

PM 3: Estimated RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement funding by Target Outcome

Targeted Outcome

Estimated number of dollars of RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement funding used for associated activities:
Continue to address preparedness and readiness gaps for RESPTCs and other health care facilities by making improvements in the following areas:
  • With attention to supply chain shortages, maintain appropriate stores and types of personal protective equipment (PPE), in accordance with CDC guidelines
  • Provide clinical recommendations, protocols, and standards of care for treating patients, including experimental protocols and crisis standards of care
  • Implement operational guidance and share promising practices for health care worker safety, including developing training opportunities for staff members outside of the immediate COVID-19 team to improve infection control measures, including PPE donning and doffing techniques
  • Plan for coordinating in a medical surge event, including how to screen patients for symptoms, rapidly isolate patients, provide PPE, and provide interfacility transport, if necessary
  • Transition ambulatory surgery centers to inpatient care (especially if they have vents or anesthesia equipment and monitors in post-anesthesia care units) for higher acuity patients
  • Identify alternate care sites (on facility grounds or within close proximity) and additional sites (offsite) for sub-acute care patients to increase capacity
  • Improve the transport of laboratory specimens to testing laboratories
  • Further develop plans for the segregation, storage, and processing of biohazardous waste
  • Improve recruitment and retention of special pathogen trained staff with specialties that may be needed in COVID-19 and future special pathogen responses, including pediatrics, geriatrics, pulmonologists, and intensivists
  • Develop specific plans for at-risk populations[3]
  • Increase the capacity for all regional treatment centers to conduct clinical trials for medical countermeasures and research the spread and transmission of COVID-19 and other special pathogens
  • Expand travel history and symptom screening processes to points of entry other than/in addition to emergency department triage and registration areas

Maintain the regional treatment center’s continued capability and capacity for COVID-19 care.
Continue to use novel approaches for education, readiness, and assessment activities to support COVID-19 response, including expanding the use of media, augmented reality/virtual reality, and technology to enhance training for staff and providing National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center (NETEC) training and materials to health care facilities throughout the region (acting in a ‘train the trainer’ capacity)
Support continued planning, development, and implementation of a national system for special pathogen patient care, including engaging state and jurisdiction special pathogen treatment centers and other health care facilities (including but not limited to settings such as nursing homes, residential care facilities, EMS, and 911 call centers). This network may be informed by and modeled using the lessons learned from already established trauma, stroke, or burn specialty networks
Support NETEC in their activities as a ‘force amplifier’ in the region
Collect RESPTC evaluation and performance measures for COVID-19, in addition to receiving peer assessments using metrics developed by the National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center (NETEC)
Conduct supplemental training for health care facility workers and awareness trainings to health care entities outside the acute health care system[4] on COVID-19 patient identification, assessment, and treatment
Develop and implement a 24-hour hotline and other resources (e.g., telemedicine, use of alternative care sites, etc.) to support clinical consultation and technical assistance for COVID-19

Ensure a physician is in the state or jurisdiction emergency operations center full time[5] to manage patient facility assignments (right bed for the right patient) within their state or jurisdiction so that EMS and hospitals do not need to transfer patients; for example, participating in or establishing a Medical Operations Coordinating Cell (MOCC)

2. PMs 1 and 2 were previously collected by the National Healthcare Preparedness Programs (NHPP) Branch for FY20; these PMs have since been retired.

3. The 2013 Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act defines at-risk individuals as children, older adults, pregnant women, and individuals who may need additional response assistance. Examples of these individuals may include but are not limited to individuals with disabilities, individuals who live in institutional settings, individuals from diverse cultures, individuals who have limited English proficiency or are non-English speaking, individuals who are transportation disadvantaged, individuals experiencing homelessness, individuals who have chronic medical disorders, and individuals who have pharmacological dependency. More information can be found on the At-Risk website.

4. Examples of health care entities outside the acute care system include facilities and organizations such as home health agencies, residential placement facilities, behavioral health facilities, outpatient care facilities (e.g., specialty practices), long-term care facilities, and other health care organizations that do not provide acute care services.

5. In this context, the National Healthcare Preparedness Programs (NHPP) Branch defines a full-time physician as a physician that is dedicated and assigned to support the jurisdictional emergency operations center (EOC) with patient load-balancing coordination. This EOC physician should have insight into available resources at hospitals and other health care facilities.

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