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Evaluation and Performance Measures: 
8.0 Optional Questions

Regional Ebola and Other Special Pathogen Treatment Center COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement Performance Measures

The questions in this section are optional for RESPTCs. They are exploratory questions to assist ASPR in understanding the challenges faced and leading practices utilized by funded recipients and sub-recipients in building regional special pathogen preparedness and response capabilities. The responses will be used to inform future program design, development of guidance, delivery of technical assistance, and support contextual understanding for reporting to national stakeholders.

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Challenges faced in implementing infection control and triage training programs

What specific challenges have you faced regarding your ability to train health care workers on effective infection control practices and/or triage? Select as many as apply:
  • Staff availability for training due toillness
  • Staff availability for training due to workload
  • Limitations in trainer clinical knowledge
  • Curriculum development
  • Material limitations to implementation (space, materials, etc.)
  • Availability of training resources, including space and materials
  • Other (free response – 500-characterresponse length)

Number of RESPTCs reporting each listed challenge

Clinical or operational modifications or enhancements attributed to infection control and triage trainings

What specific clinical or operational modifications or enhancements were made by your facility as a result (full or partial) of training in infection control and triage supported by RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement funds? (Free response)
Number of RESPTCs reporting each challenge 

Qualitative description of challenges and impact of challenges

Promising practices in procurring needed supplies and equipment
What promising practices have you developed to procure needed supplies and equipment using RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement funds? What impact did you achieve? (Free response)

Qualitative description of promising practices and impact achieved

Challenges in addressing preparedness and readiness gaps for RESPTCs and other health care facilities
What specific challenges have had in addressing preparedness and readiness gaps for RESPTCs and other health care facilities within your region using RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement funds? What were the impacts of these challenges? (Free response)

Number of RESPTCs reporting challenges

Qualitative description of challenges and impact of challenges
Promising practices in addressing preparedness and readiness gaps for RESPTCs and other health care facilities
What promising practices have you developed to address preparedness and readiness gaps for your RESPTC and other health care facilities within your region using RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement funds? What impact did you achieve? (Free response)

Qualitative description of promising practices and impact achieved
RESPTC participation in disseminating clinical recommendations, protocols, and standards of care for treating patients
If selecting 'Provide clinical recommendations, protocols, and standards of care for treating patients, including experimental protocols and crisis standards of care' in PM 4:

Please briefly describe the processess that that your RESPTC participated in to disseminate clinical recommendations, protocols, and standards of care for treating patients within your jurisdiction (e.g., experimental protocols, crisis standards of care).  (Free response - 500-character response length)

Number of RESPTCs participating in dissemination activities

Qualitative description of processes
Recipient participation in program activities[13]
With the 10% of funding retained by your organization, did you (the recipient) participate in any of the activities allowable under the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement? If yes, please briefly describe them. (Free response - 500-character response length)
Number of recipients directly supporting program outcomes

Qualitative description of activities

13. Note: Similar optional questions also appear in performance measures for the RESPTC FY20 Administrative Supplement. Please limit this particular response to COVID-19-specific activities and outcomes funded by the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement.

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