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Annex A: Acronyms and Glossary of Terms

Regional Ebola and Other Special Pathogen Treatment Center COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement Performance Measures

At-Risk Individuals
At-risk individuals include children, older adults, pregnant women, and individuals who may need additional response assistance. Examples of these individuals may include but are not limited to individuals with disabilities, individuals who live in institutional settings, individuals from diverse cultures, individuals who have limited English proficiency or are non-English speaking, individuals who are transportation disadvantaged, individuals experiencing homelessness, individuals who have chronic medical disorders, and individuals who have pharmacological dependency[14]
ASPR Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response
An activity is considered ASPR-funded if it is: 1) fully funded by the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement; 2) partially funded by this administrative supplement and by the facility or other health care entity; or 3) supported by allowable staff positions fully-or partially-funded by this administrative supplement
Data Entity The source organization reporting a particular Data Point
Data Point Individual data element reported by a recipient or sub-recipient used to calculate or assess the Program Performance Measure
Emergency Operations Center
In the context of this administrative supplement, this term applies to RESPTCs, defined below as ‘sub-recipient’
Health Care Worker A health care worker is any worker who provides clinical health care services (i.e., doctors, nurses, laboratory technicians, x-ray technicians, EMS, etc.)
HPP The Hospital Preparedness Program
Infection Control Infection control prevents or limits the spread of infection in health care settings and includes a range of activities such as:
  • training for health care worker safety when caring for a COVID-19 patient (e.g., Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) donning/doffing, safe treatment protocols),
  • assessing and updating physical infrastructure (e.g., minor retrofitting and alteration of inpatient care areas for enhanced infection control donning/doffing rooms),
  • reconfiguring patient flow in emergency departments to provide isolation capacity for Persons Under Investigation (PUIs) for infectious or potentially infectious patients, expansion of telemedicine and telehealth for the purposes of infection control,
  • purchase of or preservation strategies for PPE optimization in accordance with CDC guidelines, and/or other activities in accordance with CDC guidelines for Transmission-based Precautions[15]
National Emerging Special Pathogens Training and Education Center
National Healthcare Preparedness Programs
National Special Pathogen System, ASPR’s nationwide systems-based network approach that builds on existing infrastructure and investments in preparing for infectious disease outbreaks. NSPS supports the urgent preparedness and response needs of hospitals, health systems, and health care providers related to treating patients with special pathogens
PPE Public Safety Answering PointPersonal Protective Equipment
PSAP Public Safety Answering Point
Persons Under Investigation
Program Performance Measure The national-level performance measure used by ASPR to monitor and evaluate the performance of recipients and sub-recipients funded through the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement. Result is typically calculated by ASPR based on Data Points reported by RESPTCs
RESPTC Regional Ebola and other Special Pathogen Treatment Center
Recipient For this cooperative agreement, recipients are state and jurisdictional health departments who receive awards from ASPR’s Hospital Preparedness Program through the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement. Formal definitions of recipients can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations (2 CFR 200.1)[16]
Sub-recipient Entities, such as RESPTCs, that receive a subaward from a Recipient through the RESPTC COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Activities Administrative Supplement. Formal definitions of sub-recipients can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations (2 CFR—Part 200)
Triage The sorting out and classification of patients or casualties to determine priority of need and proper place of treatment. During infectious disease outbreaks, triage is particularly important to separate patients likely to be infected with the pathogen of concern.[17] For the purposes of these measures, activities may include rapid identification and isolation of a patient, approaches for the assessment, transport, and treatment of persons suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, alternative or innovative models to reconfigure patient flow or transition to inpatient care, identify alternate care sites (on facility grounds or within close proximity) and additional sites (offsite) for sub-acute care patients to increase capacity, training and technical support to EMS agencies and 9-1-1/Public Safety Answering Points on routing patients to the appropriate care setting, evolving protocols related to the dispatch of EMS for COVID-19 suspected patients, creation alternate care sites (e.g., temporary structures, etc.) to provide surge capacity for patient care.

14.Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response. Accessed July 2022. “At-Risk Individuals.”

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed August 2020. “Transmission-Based Precautions.”

16. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations.” Updated February 2022. Accessed February 2022.

17. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed July 2020. “Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Triage of Suspected COVID-19 Patients in non-US Healthcare Settings: Early Identification and Prevention of Transmission during Triage.”

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