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Monthly Report March 2021

Monthly Report March 2021

Medical Reserve Corps

Make a Difference in your Community

Members of the Capitol Region Medical Reserve Corps (CT) help the Chatham Health District’s clinic in East Hampton, CT, meet their goal of administering 700 vaccines per day.

March 2021: At a Glance


MRC Units


MRC Volunteers


Hours devoted to COVID-19 vaccines support

1,533 Reported MRC Activities

MRC donut graph      
MRC bar results

Improved community preparedness
Participated in emergency response
Served a vulnerable population
Strengthened MRC unit
Strengthened public health
Supported non-emergency community event
Trained to improve response capability
The numbers in this chart may not equal the total number of actual activities. The number of activities notes the number of unique entries by MRC unit leaders for the current month, but some activities have impacts in multiple areas.

MRC volunteers devoted more than 195,000 hours to COVID-19 vaccination
efforts in communities across the country in March 2021

Pickaway County MRC Volunteers get ready to give a shot of hope

Pickaway County MRC (OH) volunteers at a COVID-19 vaccination clinic get ready to give a shot of hope.

Many MRC units across the country continued their support of COVID-19 vaccinations, contributing over 195,000 hours to nationwide vaccination efforts. In response to the pandemic, several units also supported call centers and testing sites as well as contact tracing efforts.

Below is a selection of MRC unit activities from across the network during the month of March:

  • The Denton County Medical Reserve Corps (TX) devoted over 20,000 hours to supporting a COVID-19 vaccination site.
  • Volunteers with the Montgomery County Medical Reserve Corps (MD) contributed over 14,000 hours to helping at a COVID-19 vaccination location.
  • The Sacramento Medical Reserve Corps (CA) supported Sacramento County Public Health with the COVID-19 response effort though staffing for the following roles: COVID-19 hotline operator, laboratory courier, COVID-19 vaccinator, and case investigator.
  • The Pike County Medical Reserve Corps (KY) worked with the Pike County Health Department in Kentucky to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to members of the Hispanic and Asian communities in the area. One of the unit’s physician volunteers provided translation services in addition to administering vaccine shots.
  • The Northern NH Unit Medical Reserve Corps (NH) supported a COVID-19 drive-through vaccination clinic for teachers.
  • Volunteers with the Lake County Medical Reserve Corps (OH) assisted in the local health department call center, scheduling members of the local senior population for COVID-19 vaccination clinics.
  • The City of Cannon Beach MRC (OR) supported COVID-19 vaccination clinics, contract tracing, and communication efforts.
  • Members of the Eastern Nebraska MRC (NE) answered calls on the Douglas County Health Department's dedicated phone line for helping those without Internet access sign up for their COVID-19 vaccination.
  • The Medical Reserve Corps of El Paso County (CO) worked with the Colorado Springs Fire Department to vaccinate home-bound residents to protect against COVID-19.
  • The Pulaski County MRC Team 1 (AR) taught a virtual Stop the Bleed class.
  • The Ledge Light Health District Medical Reserve Corps (CT) assisted at a food pantry, helping set up, sort, and pass out boxes of food to more than 75 people.
  • Eastern Nebraska MRC draw COVID-19 vaccine doses at a local clinic

    On March 9, a physician volunteer with the Eastern Nebraska MRC (NE) helps the Sarpy/Cass Health Department in Papillion, Nebraska, draw up COVID-19 vaccine doses at a local clinic.

    This is archived ASPR content.