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Delivering Gender-Informed Health Services in Emergencies

In emergencies, the physical and mental health of girls, women, boys, and men can be affected in a variety of ways. Differences are correlated to gender in terms of exposure to and perceptions of risk, preparedness, response, and physical and psychological impact, as well as capacity to recover. Gender groups may also experience trauma in different ways.

  • 2013 Philippines Typhoon Haiyan: Women and girls experienced an increase in gender-based violence and sex trafficking following the typhoon.
  • 2014-2016 Ebola Epidemic: In Liberia, up to 75% of those infected were women, largely due to their role as primary care givers, including nurses.
  • Zika and HIV Epidemics: Many women are not empowered to participate in reproductive decision- making, such as negotiating condom use. This increases their chance of contracting sexually transmitted infections, putting their health and potentially the health of an unborn child at risk.
  • Incorporating an awareness of gender into plans and mission tasks enables response operations to most efficiently reach target groups, including at-risk individuals.
  • Studies have shown that females and males respond differently to emergencies and that gender roles can change across age and over time.

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