
3 results for "December 2013"

Published onDecember 24, 2013

Couldn’t enroll by December 23? We can still help you get covered

We know many of you have been working hard to finish enrolling in a health plan in the Health Insurance Marketplace®. Even though we have passed the December 23 enrollment deadline for coverage starting January 1, we don’t want you to miss out if you’ve been trying to enroll.

Sometimes despite your best efforts, you might have run into delays caused by heavy traffic to, maintenance periods, or other issues with our systems that prevented you from finishing the process on time. If this happened to you, don’t worry – we still may be able to help you get covered as soon as January 1.

Published onDecember 19, 2013

Cancelled plan? You’ve got coverage options

For millions of Americans quality, affordable coverage is just around the corner. And making sure people know about the new options available to them, and providing a smooth transition to this new day for coverage is our top priority

Providing a smooth transition

We’ve taken a number of steps to help you:

  1. You now have more time to enroll and pay your premium
  2. We’ve improved the window shopping experience on
  3. PCIP enrollees can continue their coverage through January 2014.

Published onDecember 3, 2013

New and more robust tools to help you enroll

Welcome back to the Health Insurance Marketplace®! We’ve made many improvements over the last eight weeks to help you complete your enrollment.

Here are some of the new features you’ll find on

More robust window shopping. You can now see detailed information about each Marketplace health insurance plan offered in your area before you apply. This new tool will allow you to see plan prices displayed much more accurately, based on the household information you supply. You can compare plans, covered benefits, physician and hospital networks, and more. No login or application required. Just answer a few simple questions to see plans and prices in your area. You will still need to complete the application to find out how you can get lower costs, but this is a much enhanced version of earlier information and one more way you can get the information you need to help you get ready to enroll and find a plan that fits your needs and budget.