
4 results for "December 2016"

Published onDecember 30, 2016

After you enroll in 2017 coverage, don’t forget to pay your monthly premium

You’ve submitted your Marketplace application and enrolled in a plan, but you’re not done yet. You must pay your first health insurance

for your coverage to start. You make the payment to your health insurance company — not the Marketplace.

Published onDecember 16, 2016

It’s not too late: Update, shop & switch plans through Jan 31

If you had 2016 Marketplace coverage and didn’t re-enroll or change your health plan by December 15, the Marketplace probably enrolled you for 2017 health coverage in the same plan (or a similar one) based on information from your 2016 application.

Published onDecember 2, 2016

Don’t miss out on savings & new plans: Update and compare by Dec 15

If you have 2016 Marketplace insurance and want coverage for 2017, your best bet is to update your 2017 health insurance application with your expected income and household information for the year ahead – even if you want to keep the same plan.

Update by December 15 and your changes take effect January 1.