
3 results for "January 2014"

Published onJanuary 16, 2014

Get covered to stay in the game

When sickness or injury strike, having health insurance can mean the difference between falling and getting back up and dropping out of the game.

I know, because I was at the top of my game - I felt invincible - but when I went for my regular team physical it turned out I had a serious kidney disease. Thankfully it was caught in time to treat it and luckily, I was insured.

Published onJanuary 8, 2014

Millions transitioning to coverage

Since October 1st, more than 6 million people have enrolled in coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace® or Medicaid.

If you’ve completed an application and chosen a plan on the Marketplace, you may still need to take a couple of steps in order to ensure that your coverage takes effect. Most important, you need to pay your first month’s premium on time. Follow the instructions from your insurer about how and when to make your premium payment and the due date. You should also contact the plan you selected to confirm that enrollment has, in fact, taken place.