Malik’s story: I’m young and I need health insurance

Published on August 30, 2013

Have you met Malik?

Malik is a 23 year old bartender and server who works in the restaurant industry.

He works on his feet all day and like millions of Americans, Malik does not have health insurance because he can’t afford it.

Can’t afford insurance. Can’t afford to miss work.

Malik shared his story with us:

“I hurt my foot pretty bad and I personally thought it was a fracture. I can’t afford to not go to work and not walk on it so I’ve just kind of struggled through it.

If I did have insurance, I would have gone to make sure that it wasn’t worse than I assumed it was.

Without insurance, a serious accident would pretty much turn my life upside down. It would probably set me back for life.

I feel like the Marketplace will help me achieve my goals. It’ll just be a load off my shoulders.”

How the Marketplace helps people like Malik

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Malik is looking forward to seeing his options and enrolling in the Marketplace as soon as it’s up and running.

Find out how health care is changing - in 214 words.

And help us spread the word! Open enrollment begins on October 1, 2013. Coverage starts as soon as January 1, 2014.