
4 results for "May 2016"

Published onMay 19, 2016

Graduating? You have health insurance options

Congrats, graduates! Whether you’re heading into the working world or planning your next move, you have options for affordable health insurance that works for your life and your budget.

Published onMay 12, 2016

Get Medicaid & Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) health insurance any time

Open Enrollment for a 2016 Marketplace health insurance plan is over. But if you qualify for

or the
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
, you can get health insurance any time of year, with coverage starting immediately.

Published onMay 5, 2016

National Small Business Week: Keeping small businesses healthy

It’s National Small Business Week. As we recognize and celebrate the contributions small businesses make — like job creation, innovation, and global competitiveness — it’s important to think about health care options.