
3 results for "October 2013"

Published onOctober 21, 2013

We’re listening — and improving every day

We know using has been frustrating for many Americans. The initial consumer experience of has not lived up to the expectations of the American people. We are committed to doing better.

We’ve been gathering feedback since the day we launched – from our customer service representatives, social media channels, and through hundreds of thousands of online surveys and comments. And we’re listening.

We’ve been making changes to respond directly to your feedback and will continue to do so. A few of our most important changes so far:

Published onOctober 21, 2013

4 ways to apply for coverage in the Health Insurance Marketplace®

Open enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace® is here and we’re working hard to help you get covered. We’re making improvements to and more people are applying and getting covered every day.

How to apply for Marketplace coverage