Is your doctor right for you?

Published on May 3, 2018

Your health and well-being are important and personal. You should have a doctor you trust and feel comfortable with.

Image: {Finding a doctor you trust}

5 questions to ask yourself after a doctor’s visit

  • Were all your health needs addressed?
  • Did the doctor pay attention to your concerns?
  • Did the doctor answer your questions in a way that was easy to understand?
  • Did the doctor speak in a way that made you comfortable?
  • Could you contact the doctor/office staff with follow-up questions?

Here’s a longer list of questions you can ask (PDF).

Next steps

  • If you answered “Yes” to the questions above, you may have found a doctor that’s right for you.
  • If you answered “No” to one of these questions, do you think the doctor would make changes if you spoke up? Sometimes asking for what you need is the best way to get it.
  • If you decide to switch doctors, start by checking your plan’s list of
    providers. Get tips on finding a new provider (PDF).