ESRD General Information

Now available! Our new Provider Data Catalog makes it easier for you to search & download our publicly reported data. We’ve also improved Medicare’s compare sites.

The Medicare End Stage Renal Disease Program is a national health insurance program for people with ESRD. The program is designed to encourage self-care dialysis and kidney transplantation and clarify reimbursement procedures to achieve effective cost control.


CMS presented information on the Star Rating System for dialysis facilities to the public during a national provider call in July.  We listened to feedback from stakeholders and encouraged them to submit written comments to CMS. In response to this feedback, CMS has decided to implement the Star Rating System for dialysis facilities in January 2015 to allow more time for consumer education about appropriate use of the ratings for making decisions about treatment. Please check the announcement in the Downloads section below.


Page Last Modified:
07/07/2022 03:02 PM