Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System

Effective January 1, 2020–2024, CMS will select ground ambulance providers and suppliers to participate in the Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System (GADCS). To learn more, view these FAQs (PDF).

Selected Providers & Suppliers

What to do if we select your organization

Overview of the Timeline for the Data Collection & Data Reporting Requirements under the GADCS

Overview of the Timeline for the Data Collection & Data Reporting Requirements under the GADCS

What happens if your organization doesn’t provide data

If CMS selects your organization to participate, but your organization doesn’t report the required information, your organization will be subject to a 10% reduction in payments under the AFS for a calendar year. Your organization won’t get a reduction in payments if we’ve granted a hardship exemption or after an informal review concludes that your organization is not subject to the 10% reduction in payments.

Goal of the system

The collected information will be analyzed by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) in order to submit a report to Congress on the:

  • Information you submit through the data collection system
  • The adequacy of payments for ground ambulance services and geographic variations in the cost of furnishing such services
  • Analysis of any burden on you associated with the data collection system
  • Recommendation as to whether information should continue to be submitted through the data collection system or if changes are needed

Proposed and Final Rules on the Establishment of the Medicare Ground Ambulance Data Collection System

Upcoming Events

See upcoming and past events.

Page Last Modified:
07/18/2022 04:09 PM