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  4. Domestic Mutual Reliance
  1. National Integrated Food Safety System (IFSS) Programs and Initiatives

Domestic Mutual Reliance

Domestic Mutual Reliance (banner image)

Domestic mutual reliance is a seamless partnership that enables FDA and states with comparable regulatory public health systems, as trusted partners, to rely on, coordinate with, and leverage one another’s work, data, and actions to meet the public health goal of a safe national food supply.

The purpose of this partnership is to improve industry compliance, avoid duplication of effort, drive efficiencies, and prevent or reduce human and animal foodborne illness outbreaks. 

By working toward an Integrated Food Safety System (IFSS), partners can coordinate food safety inspection efforts, share data, and respond to outbreaks more efficiently.  This collaboration includes:

  • Data exchange/information sharing
  • Work planning and risk prioritization/categorization, including inspection frequency mandates, and comparison and reconciliation of inventories
  • Inspection, compliance/enforcement, and corrective actions
  • Environmental assessment
  • Recall oversight and effectiveness/audit checks
  • Investigation of outbreaks and complaints
  • Sample collection and laboratory capacity, analysis, and reporting
  • Field staff training
  • Industry and consumer education
  • Organizational resources and personnel
  • Development and monitoring of key domestic mutual reliance metrics

The domestic mutual reliance partnership will enable FDA to:

  • Work closely with state regulatory human and animal food safety programs to extend efforts to protect public health; 
  • Collaborate with states to develop and sustain a highly-trained workforce and build quality management systems and the infrastructure needed to meet national regulatory program standards; and
  • Acknowledge states’ successes in meeting national regulatory program standards.

The Regulatory Program Standards include the Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS) and the Animal Feed Regulatory Program Standards (AFRPS).

This collaborative effort provides opportunities for FDA and state partners to identify needs to better protect the public and leverage work from other regulatory programs.

What's New

  • February 2022 – Strong federal-state collaboration facilitated the voluntary recall of product from Royal Ice Cream. The company initiated the recall after FDA sampling revealed the presence of Listeria monocytogenes on processing equipment, and it expanded the recall after the Massachusetts Department of Public Health detected the bacteria in retail samples. Royal Ice Cream is working with the FDA to investigate the cause.


Do you have questions or would you like more information? Please submit them to OP.Feedback@fda.hhs.gov.


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