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  7. Rulemaking History for OTC Topical Antifungal Drug Products
  1. Historical Status of OTC Rulemakings

Rulemaking History for OTC Topical Antifungal Drug Products

Final Monograph (21 CFR part 333 subpart C):
Topical Antimicrobial Drug Products for Over-the-Counter Human Use: Topical Antifungal Drug Products 


OTC Topical Antifungal Drug Products found on this page:

Topical Antifungal Drug Products: Original Active Ingredients and Labeling

Advance Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking Date FR Citation
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking [PDF] 3/23/1982 47FR12480disclaimer icon
    Correction [PDF] 4/23/1982 47FR17575disclaimer icon
    Correction [PDF] 12/7/1982 47FR54981disclaimer icon
Proposed Rule Date FR Citation
Tentative Final Monograph 12/12/1989 54FR51136disclaimer icon
    Correction 1/9/1990 55FR797disclaimer icon
    Correction 1/22/1990 55FR2202disclaimer icon
Final Rule Date FR Citation
Final Rule: Nonmonograph labeling claims


58FR46744disclaimer icon
Final Monograph 9/23/1993 58FR49890disclaimer icon

Topical Antifungal Drug Products: Nonmonograph Ingredients

Proposed Rule Date FR Citation
Proposed Rule: Classifies category II and III ingredients without data as non-monograph 8/25/1992 57FR38568disclaimer icon
    Correction 9/8/1992 57FR40944disclaimer icon
    Technical Amendment: Correct an ingredient name 10/1/1992 57FR45295disclaimer icon
    Correction 11/9/1992 57FR53300disclaimer icon
Final Rule Date FR Citation
Final Rule: Classifies category II and III ingredients without data as non-monograph 5/10/1993 58FR27636disclaimer icon

Topical Antifungal Drug Products: Clotrimazole

Proposed Rule Date FR Citation
Proposed Rule: Adds clotrimazole as GRASE active ingredient 5/29/2001 66FR29059disclaimer icon
Final Rule Date FR Citation
Final Rule 2/8/2002 67FR5942disclaimer icon

Topical Antifungal Drug Products: Diaper Rash

Advance Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking Date FR Citation
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 9/7/1982 47FR39464disclaimer icon
Extension of Comment Period 12/28/1982 47FR57738disclaimer icon
Proposed Rule Date FR Citation
Proposed Rule: Classifies diaper rash claim as nonmonograph 6/20/1989 55FR25240disclaimer icon
Correction 7/19/1990 55FR29453disclaimer icon
Final Rule Date FR Citation
Final Rule 12/18/1992 57FR60430disclaimer icon

Topical Antifungal Drug Products: Indications

Proposed Rule Date FR Citation
Proposed Rule: Revises "cures" to "cures most" and "treats" to "treats most" 7/22/1999 64FR39452disclaimer icon
Final Rule Date FR Citation
Final Rule 8/29/2000 65FR52302disclaimer icon

Topical Antifungal Drug Products: Treatment of Tinea Pedis

Advance Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking Date FR Citation
Notice: Advisory Committee meeting on effectiveness and labeling 3/30/2004 69FR16582disclaimer icon
Correction 4/22/2004 69FR21838disclaimer icon

Topical Antifungal Drug Products: Vaginal Drug Products

Proposed Rule Date FR Citation
Reopening of Administrative Record 11/19/1997 62FR61710disclaimer icon


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