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  1. Office of Communications and Education

Case Studies

FDA Center for Drug Evaluation, Office of Generic Drugs

Create a polished, interactive virtual hiring event with the primary goal of highlighting the benefits of working for FDA and encouraging employment applications. The Client wanted the event to appear as if it were live and include the ability for participants to send in and have their questions 0answered by staff.

To accommodate the Client’s requirements to produce the first of two videos within a short turnaround time, DCM traveled to the Client’s facility to shoot interviews remotely. DCM then edited footage and produced a 50-minute video that was webcast using Adobe Connect. A second, 45-minute video was subsequently produced – from script to webcast – via DCM's production facility.

The Client reported that 700 people viewed the initial webcast of Event 1 and 1,000 viewed the initial webcast of Event 2. These videos continue to be viewed by thousands of individuals on a regular basis. Because of the success of the project, a third virtual hiring event that will be produced by DCM is in the development stages.

"Before being put in touch with Chad and the DCM video production team, I didn’t even know the studio existed. I spoke with Chad, and he told me that DCM could handle everything we needed for our virtual hiring event. Immediately, Chad’s team hit the ground running and provided even better ideas than what we had originally come up with. For the first event, because we were under a very tight deadline, the production team even came to my facility and shot all of the interviews right on site. The second event was shot at the studio. The final products were awesome! We had 700 people watch the event live, and 1,000 on the next go-around. When I tell people the videos were produced by our ‘in-house’ video production unit, they can’t believe it. Because the projects were so successful, we are going to do another virtual hiring event that DCM will be producing."

Karen Donnelly, Management Analysis, FDA Center for Drug Evaluation, Office of Generic Drugs


CBER International Program

Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), International Program, FDA

Produce a web-based outreach program designed to train international government regulators on FDA CBER’s standards on regulating biologics. The course was to take the place of live seminars that had required FDA staff to either hold individual seminars in the US, or travel around the globe to present in workshops.

The DCM team worked closely with the Client to develop an effective approach to presenting the material. The process included full script to screen production, from writing to casting to working with SME’s to ensure accuracy during a 2-week studio video shoot. DCM also handled all post-production and Web-based delivery of the course.

To date, CBER has benefited from nearly 3,000 recorded hits to the Web program, as parties throughout the world have taken advantage of this training program, which otherwise would have required greater efforts of FDA staff to conduct live presentations locally or globally. With continued access to the course via the Web, a greater number of individuals or groups throughout the world will be able to receive this vital training, while saving the Client inordinate funds and time.

"Online training has become one of the best and most efficient and cost-effective resources that an organization can invest in to get viable and timely information out to their audience. DCM was able to deliver an exceptional online training product for us. They have the professional resources to guide you with a project from start to finish and provide excellent TV production services that create projects you can be proud of. We have made a tenfold return on our investment in terms of the product we received and the savings we’ve enjoyed over time. The program DCM produced for us is still paying off every day. I can honestly say that it has been one of the most beneficial and rewarding projects that the International Group has ever done."

Leslie Haynes, Foreign Regulatory Capacity Building Coordinator, International Program, Office of the Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, FDA

Child, Adolescent and Family Branch, Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

To provide training to grantees and constituencies through programs that present information about the delivery of youth mental health services in a factual, yet engaging manner.

Using an interagency agreement, DCM worked with the Client to create a webisode series that is presented in a talk show style format and includes news segments and follow up Twitter chats. The series, which is fully produced at DCM’s Gaithersburg production facility, is an ongoing project, with 4 additional episodes planned this year and hopefully more in the future. The in-studio series will be supplemented by live remote events featuring real-time audience Q&A sessions.

In its very early stages, the program has already been well received by audiences and is being used by grantees at staff meetings for training purposes. Because the program is available online, it can be accessed at any time, allowing participants to watch and learn at their own pace.

"I’ve collaborated with other high-end studios on video projects in the past, and I can genuinely say that the folks at FDA’s DCM run a highly professional operation that is extremely customer-oriented and responsive. They have helped us create programs that present information in a way that makes sense and keeps our audience engaged. Because FDA’s DCM is a government entity, we are able to use an interagency agreement, making our working arrangement seamless. I couldn’t ask for a better studio experience. I just find it amazing that we have this tremendous resource available to us right in Gaithersburg and within the federal government."

Gary Blau, Ph.D., Chief - Child, Adolescent and Family Branch, Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

Create a video for a middle school audience that communicated the importance of knowing what’s in your “Over-The-Counter Medicine” and how to take it. The client also wanted to outline what’s on the “Drug Facts Label” (the drug equivalent of the food label) and what it means to the person taking the medicine.

DCM Producer Mike Sobola worked with Editor Barry Goldstein to develop an animation-style look and feel to the piece to appeal to the core demographic. Drawing on mainly internal resources, they shot the actor “live-action” on a green background and then designed and animated the “set” that would be the actor’s world. Once the actor was composited with the background set elements, the result was a fun, but informative explanation of the Drug Facts Label that anyone could understand and use.

YouTube views have hit nearly 16,000 plays since the video was posted, and classrooms around the country are using the video to educate students on the utility of the Drug Facts Label. The client was so pleased that they commissioned a second work in the same style that garnered similar results.

"I have known Michael Sobola and the CDRH video production team for over ten years now. I have used their professional services for developing radio announcements and video clips on various FDA/CDER consumer education campaigns. Michael has always been able to take our messages and develop a high quality, professional product. The “Medicines In My Home: The Over-the-Counter Drug Facts Label“ video received accolades at the 2011 DC Peer Awards. Most importantly, it was picked up and is currently being used by Scholastic in elementary school classrooms across the country. In fact, a leading manufacturer of OTC pain relieving medicines was so fond of the video they wanted to know and use our contractor. They asked for a referral! The story line, the script, and the creative execution were created by Michael and his talented team. I will continue to rely on them for all my video and audio communication needs."

Mandy Eisemann, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research


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