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Our Portfolio




For a COMPLETE listing of our Live and archived Webcasts as well as On-Demand videos, visit our catalog.

Video Description Type Run Time
Looking Your Best on Camera For Women
Helpful information for women who are preparing to be filmed on camera. Factual 2:49
Looking Your Best on Camera For Men
Helpful information for men who are preparing to be filmed on camera. Factual 8:01
The studio produced this vide to help introduce The FDA Office of Minority Health and Health Equity (OMHHE) which works to promote and protect the health of diverse populations through research and communication that addresses health disparities. Factual 1:07
During the COVID Pandemic, the studio found ways to adapt our capabilities to produce and deliver via webcast internal communication products that used to be in person.  This video is an example of an “All Hands” meeting hosted by the FDA Commissioner. Factual 48:39
The Public Health Service set up a vaccination clinic on the FDA campus; this video is a brief highlight to showcase the quality care and expertise of the PHS officers as they administered some of the first vaccines given to FDA staff. Factual 1:33
The studio produced a number of videos that highlighted what the CDRH Public Health Service Officers did as a part of their deployment.  The videos used PHS Officer provided photos and a phone recording of their voice relating the story of their deployment.  This series has provided other PHS Officers with a new perspective on their mission, as well as helping to recruit new PHS Officers. Factual 5:53
Dr. Jeffrey Shuren, CDRH Center Director asked the studio to produce a video to highlight the accomplishments of the year 2020.  After the chaos of 2020, this video was especially helpful in reminding all staff of the accomplishments of the Center, along with the importance of supporting each other through this difficult time.  Factual 7:38
The FDA Studio produced a live “Virtual” press conference with the FDA Commission (Dr. Stephen Hahn) and CBER Center Director (Dr. Peter Marks) a day after the FDA advisory panel approved the first COVID vaccine.  This press conference was shot live in the studio (with appropriate social distancing) while hosting the press pool on Zoom.  The live video program was also broadcast via fiber to the National News media.   Factual 43:25


The studio created this for the Center of Drug Evaluation and Research to promote their new on-line professional development program. Factual 0:48
A brief video about how to safely choose and use an over-the-counter medicine, the kind you buy without a doctor's prescription. The video introduces and outlines the sections of the Drug Facts label: the Active ingredients, Purpose, Uses, Warnings, Directions, Other information, and Inactive ingredients. Also, the video explains why it's important to follow the label's information Live/Animation 1:43
This video provides background about acetaminophen, a common over-the-counter pain reliever and fever reducer, and the many different types of medications that might contain acetaminophen; the danger of taking more acetaminophen than directed; how to learn if acetaminophen is in a medicine by looking at the Drug Facts label; and how to take acetaminophen safely. It also encourages consumers to contact their healthcare professionals if they have questions or concerns. Live/Animation 2:02

La videonovela sobre salud ¡Nunca Más! fue preparada para educar a las mujeres latinas sobre el uso seguro de los medicamentos. ¡Nunca Más! presenta los peligros del mal uso de los medicamentos, pero lo más importante es que subraya varios consejos sencillos que pueden seguir las mujeres para el uso adecuado de los medicamentos. Los episodios de la videonovela ¡Nunca Más! relatan las experiencias de Lourdes y su familia. ¡Nunca Más! es una producción of la Oficina de Salud de las Mujeres de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA).

Episodio 1: A Lourdes se le pierde la receta para su medicina contra la presión arterial alta. Su amiga Sonia piensa que puede ayudarla. ¿Puso Lourdes su vida en peligro?

Dramatic 6:23
Are you smarter than a food label? Find out on our quiz show spoof with host, "Labelman". Plus-CSI ("Calorie Scene Investigator"), a play-by-play sports show battle between two dinner parties, nutrition at the drive-through and more. Produced by FDA's Division of Communication Media for CFSAN. Dramatic 28:47
Many pregnant women take medicines for health problems like diabetes, asthma, seizures, heartburn, and morning sickness. Not all medicines are safe to take when you are pregnant. FDA and text4baby share helpful tips for pregnant women and new moms. Dramatic 4:32
Dr. Stephen Sundlof, director of the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, explains how the current salmonella outbreak associated with peanuts was identified and how the affected products are being tracked and recalled. Factual 5:26
This video educates retail and foodservice establishment employees on the dire consequences of poor preparation practices and provides tips for preventing foodborne illness. The video features the story of a woman who contracted listeriosis while pregnant and nearly lost her newborn daughter to the disease. Factual 6:53
The Food & Drug Administration, which has responsibilities in the area of ensuring the safety of people and their animals, offers information about safe handling of pet food and treats in the home. Factual 6:49
An introduction to the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine. Factual 32:24
Most medical device inventions start out as a single great idea, but how does that idea become a marketed medical device? This video provides a brief overview of how a medical device, which can range from a contact lens to a knee implant to an MRI machine, begins with an idea and ends with its submission to FDA. The video highlights aspects of the Investigational Device Exemption (or IDE) process, and provides general information on medical device clinical trials. The audience is device manufacturers and health care professionals. Scientific 10:29
Tips to help people with diabetes safely use their diabetes medicines. Scientific 0:35
The FDA developed this video to inform potential patients about the risks of LASIK. The video includes images of common visual problems that a LASIK patient may see. Scientific 4:34
Medical X-rays are an important tool for diagnosing and treating diseases, but they pose a small risk from radiation. Learn what you can do to reduce the risk in this FDA Consumer Update video. Scientific 2:27
This FDA Consumer Update video highlights the agency's involvement in product recalls from the moment the agency is notified to successful completion of the recall. Educational 1:50
Simple Steps to help ensure that harmful bacteria won't be a guest at your festivities. Educational 2:39
Milk and milk products provide a wealth of nutrition benefits. But unpasteurized milk can harbor dangerous microorganisms that can pose serious health risks to you and your family. Educational 2:55
Weather emergencies can happen. When they do, the best strategy is to already have a plan in place. This includes knowing the proper food safety precautions to take if the power goes out. Educational 2:45
FDA Consumer Safety Officer Armando Zamora explains what to do if you think you may have a recalled product. There are many numbers and dates on the foods, drugs, cosmetics, and other products we use every day. Some help manufacturers track inventory, while others help retailers ensure quality. But when unsafe products must be removed from the market, these numbers and dates can also help identify them quickly. Educational 1:29


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