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  5. The 2019 FDA Science Forum - Day 2 - 09/12/2019 - 09/12/2109
  1. The FDA Science Forum


Event Title
The 2019 FDA Science Forum - Day 2
September 12, 2019 - September 12, 2109

September 12, 2019 - September 12, 2109
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM ET
Event Location
White Oak Campus: The Great Room
Conference Center

10903 New Hampshire Ave
Building 31, Room 1503
Silver Spring, MD 20993
United States

Organized By:

On Wednesday and Thursday, September 11-12, 2019 the biannual FDA Science Forum will be held on FDA's White Oak campus. The Forum gives the public a rare opportunity to see the cutting-edge regulatory science research taking place across the agency that informs FDA’s regulatory decision-making—and drives innovation.

FDA Campus Information


On Wednesday and Thursday, September 11-12, 2019 FDA will hold its biannual Science Forum on FDA's White Oak campus. The FDA Forum offers the public and FDA stakeholders a chance to view the unique scientific research and collaborative efforts of FDA’s 11,000 scientists. You'll get a chance to talk with senior scientific leadership and view first-hand how FDA's researchers are using novel science and technologies to inform FDA’s regulatory decision-making—and drive innovation.

FDA scientific experts and nationally renowned scientists will speak on the eight topics of the 2019 FDA Science Forum, Transforming Health: Innovation in FDA Science detailed in the agenda.  FDA’s Science Forum welcomes the public, industry, academia, patient advocates, sister agencies, and current and potential collaborators, to learn about FDA’s regulatory science—the unique science that is rarely undertaken by industry or academia, but that makes critical contributions to product quality and safety.

Registration Information

In-Person and Remote Access Instructions/Webcast Registration (pre-registration is required): To register for the FDA Science Forum, please click on the links below and then follow the instructions on the registration pages. After you register, you will receive links via email as outlook calendar invitations with information on how to attend. When joining the webcast, you must log in with your username and password which you will create when you register. One must pre-register at least one day before the event to ensure that the access link emails and outlook invitations are received for the sessions. Those who register to attend in-person will also receive webcast access information.

Links to Register:

Please email Jeffery.Rexrode@fda.hhs.gov if you do not receive the confirmation email in time for the session that you registered for and/or if you cannot access the webcast.

Registrants watching the live webcasts via Adobe Connect should be able to:

  1. See streaming video of the presenter
  2. See streaming slides of the presentation
  3. Hear the speaker’s audio through their computer or smartphone/tablet speakers
  4. Be able to type questions into a Q/A window 
  5. See streaming closed captioning

To test your systems connection before logging into an Adobe Connect meeting visit: Adobe Connect Meeting Connection Diagnostic.  If your web browser displays/prompts you to install a flash player update, do so, and refresh your browser.

Opens at 8 a.m.

Event Materials

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