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Generic Drugs Program Monthly and Quarterly Activities Report

With the start of GDUFA III in FY 2023, the Generic Drugs Program monthly and quarterly activities reports were combined into one report. Also, reported metrics have been updated to reflect reporting requirements outlined in the GDUFA III Commitment Letter.

ACTIONS BY MONTH Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 FY-2023
Approvals 58                       58
First-Time Generics 1                       1
First-Cycle Approvals 14                       14
Imminent Actions 7                       7
Tentative Approvals 13                       13
First-Cycle Tentative Approvals 0                       0
Imminent Actions 1                       1
Complete Responses 148                       148
Original ANDA Refuse to Receive 1                       1
Standard 1                       1
Priority 0                       0
Original Acknowledgements 26                       26
Withdrawals 3                       3
Approved ANDA 0                       0
Unapproved ANDA 3                       3
PAS Approvals 117                       117
PAS Refuse to Receives 0                       0
PAS Withdrawals 5                       5
Information Requests 297                       297
Originals 178                       178
Supplements 119                       119
Discipline Review Letters 224                       224
DMF Completeness Assessment 45                       45
Reclassification of a Facility-Based Major CRL Granted 0                       0
Reclassification of a Facility-Based Major CRL Denied 0                       0
Pending ANDAs Awaiting FDA Action + 1584                       --
ANDAs Awaiting Applicant Action ++ 2177                       --
Tentative Approvals +++ 469                       --
Complete Responses ++++ 1708                       --


SUBMISSIONS BY MONTH Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 May-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 FY-2023
ANDAs * 34                       34
Complex Products  6                       6
Amendments 187                       187
Major 77                       77
Minor 55                       55
Unsolicited 55                       55
Requests for Reclassification of a Facility-Based Major CRL Amendment 13                       13
Pre-Submission Facility Correspondence 7                       7
Supplements 693                       693
CBE 584                       584
PAS ** 109                       109
DMF Payments 14                       14
Controlled Correspondence *** 267                       267
Level 1 235                       235
Level 2 32                       32
Controlled Correspondence Requests for Clarification 2                       2
Product Development Meetings 8                       8
Pre-Submission Meetings 0                       0
PSG Teleconferences 0                       0
Pre-Submission PSG Meetings 0                       0
Post-Submission PSG Meetings 0                       0
Mid Cycle Review Meetings 0                       0
Enhanced Mid Cycle Review Meetings 0                       0
Post-CRL Clarification-Only Teleconferences 7                       7
Post-CRL Scientific Meetings 3                       3


APPROVAL TIMES BY QUARTER ^ Q1 (Oct - Dec 2023) Q2 (Jan- Mar 2023) Q3 (Apr - Jun 2023) Q4 (Jul - Sept 2023)
Quarterly Mean Approval Times        
Quarterly Median Approval Times        
Quarterly Mean Tentative Approval Times        
Quarterly Median Tentative Approval Times        

NOTE: Numbers reflect current data at the time of posting and may change based on refreshed counts in our tracking systems, including application status updates.
These numbers are not intended for Congressional reporting purposes.
Indented metrics are included in the count of the non-indented metric above it.

ANDA = Abbreivated New Drug Application
PAS = Prior Approval Supplements
DMF = Drug Master File
CRL = Complete Response Letter
CBE = Changes Being Effected
PSG = Product-Specific Guidances

+ = Pending ANDAs Awaiting FDA Action are applications currently being reviewed by FDA. Many of these applications have been reviewed and found “not approvable” in a previous cycle and have been resubmitted by the applicant for another cycle of review and assessment. These metrics are calculated at the end of the month or just thereafter.

++ = ANDAs Awaiting Applicant Action represent a snapshot in time for the status of distinct original ANDAs. These metrics are calculated at the end of the month or just thereafter.

+++ = ANDAs Awaiting Applicant TA are applications that have a status of ‘TA’ or Tentative Approval. If a generic drug product is ready for approval but cannot be approved due to a patent or exclusivity related to the reference listed drug product, FDA issues a tentative approval letter to the applicant, and the tentative approval letter details the basis for the tentative approval. A tentative approval does not allow the applicant to market the generic drug product in the United States. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) delays final approval of the generic drug product until all patent or exclusivity issues have been resolved or, in some cases, until a 30-month stay associated with patent litigation has expired.

++++ = Applications Awaiting Applicant Action are applications that have a status of ‘CR’ or Complete Response. These applications have been reviewed by FDA and the data submitted are inadequate to support approval.

* = Original Receipts are reported as raw receipts (versus filed receipts).
** = PAS Supplements do not include REMS PAS supplements.
*** = Controls count only those requests deemed appropriate for a control.

^ = Mean/ Median AP/TA calculated as the difference between the first full approval (AP) date or the first Tentative Approval (TA) date and the date the original application was accepted for filing divided by the average number of days per month (30.4375). The unit for each of these metrics is months.

Previous Monthly Reports

Previous Quarterly Reports

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