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  1. Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

FSMA Technical Assistance Network (TAN) Inquiries Report

Report Dates: 9/10/2015 through 08/31/2023

The Technical Assistance Network (TAN) provides technical assistance to industry, regulators, academia, consumers and others regarding FSMA implementation. The TAN addresses questions related to the FSMA rules, programs, and implementation strategies after the rules are final.

This report summarizes key statistics since September 2015 about who is submitting FSMA inquiries; their topics of interest; and what channels of communication they are using to ask questions.

Inquiries Received by Method of Inquiry
Method of Inquiry Inquiries Received
Web 10,784
Phone 2,403
Email 249
Email 124
Mail 9
Web Chat
Total 13,576
Inquiries Received by Inquirer (September 10, 2015 - August 31, 2023)
 I am a Member of this Category Inquiries Received
Industry/Business 11,207
Academia 559
N/A 553
Consumer 358
Regulator - State Inspector 279
Other Government Official - International 194
Other Government Official - Domestic 169
Regulator - FDA Investigator 139
Regulator - FDA Compliance Staff 76
Medical 23
Media 19
Total 13,576
Inquiries Received by FSMA Topic
 FSMA Topic Inquiries Received  
Preventive Controls-Human Food 4,992
Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) 3,263
Produce Safety 1,558
Sanitary Transportation for Human and Animal Food 1,461
Preventive Controls-Animal Food 941
Accredited Third-Party Certification (3rd Party) 372
Intentional Adulteration 335
Food Traceability 278
Other 204
Lab Accreditation 108 
Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP) 58
Food Safety Dashboard Measure 6
Total 13,576
Inquiries Received, Domestic vs. International
 Country of Origin Inquiries Received
 Domestic 11,003
 International 2,573
 Total 13,576

Note: Information is current as of August 2023. The data provided in this report is produced on an ongoing basis and is subject to change due to updates, corrections, or other reasons. In addition, FDA may change the type or amount of data provided in this report at any time.


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