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Rumor Control

The distortions and half-truths of misinformation and disinformation pose enormous dangers to the effectiveness of science and to public health itself, through the negative impact it has on individual behavior. That's why I've made combating misinformation one of my priorities. Providing factual info is key to helping people make the best informed decisions about their health. Quote from Dr. Califf

The growing spread of rumors, misinformation and disinformation about science, medicine, and the FDA, is putting patients and consumers at risk. We’re here to provide the facts. 

Help stop rumors from spreading by doing three easy things:

  1. Don’t believe the rumors.
  2. Don’t pass them along.
  3. Get health information from trusted sources like the FDA and our government partners, such as usa.gov/health, coronavirus.gov and vaccines.gov.


No, the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine doesn’t contain pesticides.

The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine does not contain pesticides. 
In fact, the ingredients for the FDA-authorized Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine and the FDA-approved Spikevax are listed in the product labeling for each product, and the vaccines do not include any pesticides. The claim that the military found pesticides in the vaccine is completely false. You can see for yourself: Spikevax and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine | FDA

Yes,  pregnant and breastfeeding people can receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you can receive a COVID-19 vaccine and should discuss the potential benefits and risks of vaccination with your health care provider. There is no evidence that any vaccines, including coronavirus vaccines, cause fertility problems in women or men. Learn more by viewing this video: Just A Minute! with Dr. Peter Marks - Do the COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility?
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or might become pregnant in the future, the CDC recommends getting vaccinated.

Yes, all COVID-19 vaccines are free from metals, eggs, latex and gelatin.

All FDA-approved and authorized COVID-19 vaccines contain ingredients needed to trigger your body’s natural immune response and help protect you from severe illness or death from COVID-19. None of the COVID-19 vaccines contain eggs, gelatin, latex – or any metals.
Here’s what else they don’t have: any live virus. In fact, the active ingredient in three of the vaccines is a piece of genetic material that leads the body to briefly make a protein and generate a strong immune response that protects a vaccinated person against COVID-19. Another vaccine contains a spike protein made in insect cells, and is combined with an adjuvant to enhance the immune response in vaccinated persons.
There are some other components in the vaccines as well, such as lipids, salts and as mentioned above one vaccine includes an adjuvant that contains saponin extracts from bark of the Soapbark tree. But certainly no microchips. If you still have questions or concerns, talk to your health care provider.

 No, COVID-19 vaccines don’t cause monkeypox or COVID-19.

None of the FDA-approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines can cause monkeypox. The vaccines will not infect you with SARS-CoV-2 or the monkeypox virus. They do not contain these viruses. 
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine/Comirnaty and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine/Spikevax are made using genetic material (mRNA). They deliver a piece of mRNA that activates the immune system to react defensively to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The mRNA is only present in the body for a short time – it’s not incorporated into, nor does it alter a person’s genetic material.
Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted contains the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and Matrix-M adjuvant. Adjuvants are incorporated into some vaccines to enhance the immune response of the vaccinated individual. The spike protein in this vaccine is produced in insect cells; adjuvant contains saponin extracts from the bark of a tree.

Video Gallery

Do I need to get a second booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine?

Should I be worried about reports of side effects for the COVID-19 vaccines made to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reposting System?

Is it OK to get a COVID-19 vaccine if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding? Do the COVID-19 vaccines affect fertility?

At this point isn't the pandemic over? Why should I bother to get vaccinated?


Do the current COVID-19 vaccines work?


If I had COVID-19, why do I still need to get vaccinated or need a booster?


See more videos on Rumor Control


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