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  5. Appendix K: Sample Authorization Letter
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Appendix K: Sample Authorization Letter

ESG User Guide - Table of Contents

Clients must submit a Letter of Authorization to the FDA for CROs, U.S. Agents or Consultants. The Letter of Authorization must be submitted on company letterhead and signed with a traditional handwritten signature. Clients who have WebTrader ESG user accounts must upload an electronic copy of their Letter of Authorization via the FDA ESG User Portal (https://esgportal.fda.gov/). All other clients must send an electronic copy of their Letter of Authorization to the ESG Help Desk at ESGHelpDesk@fda.hhs.gov. Clients are no longer required to submit a physical copy to the FDA. Submitting a physical copy is now optional. Clients who would like to continue to send a physical copy to the FDA can do so by sending the letter to:

Jessica Bernhardt
Electronic Submissions Gateway
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
3WFN, Room 7C34
12225 Wilkins Avenue
Rockville, MD 20852

Samples: Letter of Authorization

The following letter is provided as a sample for an Authorization Letter. The information in square brackets [ ] will be provided by the submitter.


[Company Letterhead]

[Today's Date]

Jessica Bernhardt
Electronic Submissions Gateway
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
3WFN, Room 7C34
12225 Wilkins Avenue
Rockville, MD 20852

Re: Authorization Letter

To whom it may concern:

Pursuant to Section 11.100 of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, please accept this Authorization Letter. This letter is to certify that [Client Company Name] authorizes [Your Company Name] to submit in the Electronic Submissions Gateway on behalf of [Client Company Name].

Sincerely yours,

[Hand-written signature]
[Company Representative Title]

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