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  1. Jobs at the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH)

Current Career Opportunities at CDRH


Four device related images: a healthcare professional assisting a girl with her lower extremity prosthetic; A smart watch with an EKG display; digital overlay on a human eye; a woman wwaring virtual reality goggles


CDRH has an ongoing need for qualified individuals with backgrounds in medical devices, radiation-emitting products, health-related sciences, engineering, health policy, communications, and administration.

View the list below for the current job opportunities at CDRH. Additional positions within CDRH may also be available under The 21st Century Cures Act.

Current Opportunities

Job Title Office Application
Period Starts
Period Ends
Physician - Ophthalmologist-Glaucoma Specialist Office of Product Evaluation and Quality
10/03/2023 11/07/2023
General Engineer Various 10/25/2023 11/07/2013
General Engineer Various 10/25/2023 11/08/2023
Supervisory Public Health Advisor Office of Communication and Education
10/25/2023 11/07/2023
Mathematical Statistician Various 10/25/2023 11/07/2023
Epidemiologist Various 10/26/2023 11/08/2023
Staff Fellow-Biomedical Engineer Various 10/30/2023 11/20/2023
Staff Fellow-Biomedical Engineer Various 10/30/2023 11/20/2023

Sites Where CDRH Opportunities Are Posted

CDRH opportunities are posted on a variety of hiring and recruitment sites, including on LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter). For more information on the different sites and categories, click on the list below to learn about:

Ethics laws and regulations have been established to promote and strengthen the public's confidence in the integrity of the Federal government. Learn more about the FDA’s ethics program.

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