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2019 Report on Scientific Conferences With Expenses Over $30,000

Section 3074 of 21st Century Cures Act requires the FDA to report on scientific conferences hosted, sponsored, co-sponsored, or attendance at non-Federal Scientific Meetings with FDA expenses in excess of $30,000. The following outlines the total expenses for each scientific meeting together with other pertinent information including how the conference advanced the mission of the agency, a description of the conference activities. Section 3074 requires additional information of compelling circumstances for the costs exceeding $150,000.

2019 Annual Report

1. Drug Information Association (DIA) Global Annual Meeting

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: San Diego, California
Conference Start Date: 6/23/19                
Conference End Date: 6/27/19

Total FDA cost of the conference:  $752,553    
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA:  311

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This meeting advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA attendees to learn about other patient-centered research methods including patient-generated data, approaches to designing clinical trials with patient input, and incorporation of patient preferences and patient-reported outcomes in decision making. In addition, attendance helped FDA accomplish the goal of recruiting experts and forming connections to leading institutions as part FDA’s commitments to develop a patient-focused program responsible for the strategic development and coordination of FDA’s initiatives to advance patient engagement and the science of patient input throughout the total product lifecycle.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The DIA annual meeting is a widely attended meeting by professionals in the pharmaceutical and medical device industry, it is the foremost regulatory scientific professional organization in the country. Their entire focus is issues that bring together regulators, industry, academia and now patients in a neutral forum.  DIA 2019 was the largest global interdisciplinary event that brought together more than 7,000 key thought leaders and innovators from industry, academia, regulatory and government agencies, health, patient, and philanthropic organizations from around the globe - and across all disciplines involved in the discovery, development, and life cycle management of health care products. 

Explanation/description of circumstances for conference exceeding $150,000:

The Drug Information Association is an annually attended Conference for the FDA. The importance of the meeting led the agency to send 168 professionals to learn about new patient-centered research methods and designing new clinical trials, which caused the cost of the conference to be well over $150,000.  The DIA does not offer a virtual option for this conference, therefore all professionals must attend in person to receive the latest information in the pharmaceutical and medical device industry. 

2. International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Conference Start Date: 7/12/19
Conference End Date: 7/24/19

Total FDA cost of the conference:  $227,766
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA:  121

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

IAFP provided  an opportunity to agency professionals to enhance their knowledge about current and emerging food/feed safety and antimicrobial resistance issues and about the latest developments in food microbiology and foodborne disease epidemiology as they relate to antimicrobial resistant foodborne bacteria.  This is critical to FDA’s scientists as they must ensure that antibiotics approved for use in food animal agriculture have no, or limited, effect on human health.  

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This event is attended by more than 3,800 of the top industry, academic and governmental food safety professionals from six continents. The event provided attendees with information on current and emerging food safety issues, the latest science, innovative solutions to new and recurring problems, and the opportunity to network with thousands of food safety professionals from around the globe.

Explanation/description of circumstances for conference exceeding $150,000:

The International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting is a widely-attended conference that provides food safety professionals worldwide with a forum to exchange information on protecting the food supply in all fields of food safety.  This was a critical meeting in advancing the mission of the FDA so the Agency sent 121 professionals which caused the conference to exceed the cost of $150,000.

3. American Society for Microbiology (ASM) Annual Meeting

Applicable Conference Type:    Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location:    San Francisco, California
Conference Start Date:    6/20/19
Conference End Date:    6/24/19

Total FDA cost of the conference:  $188,510
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA:    32

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

Advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA attendees to better anticipate potential concerns with emerging technologies and develop more robust risk/benefit documents. Additionally, attending this conference is critical to producing relevant content in pre-submissions and making accurate risk assessments for product applications. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The American Society for Microbiology (ASM), is a professional organization for scientists who study viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa as well as other aspects of microbiology. ASM has grown into the largest life science professional organization in the world. ASM organizes several large annual meetings, as well as workshops and professional development opportunities for its members. FDA has a responsibility to provide recommendations to sponsors based upon the current state-of-the-art for clinical practice and microbiology. The event presented the latest in microbiology technology and clinical practice guidelines.

Explanation/description of circumstances for conference exceeding $150,000:

The ASM Annual Meeting is a critical conference that provides the latest studies, technology, and clinical practice guidelines in the area of microbiology. Because of the importance of the meeting, 32 FDA professionals attended causing the cost to exceed $150,000.

4. International Council for Harmonisation (ICH) Meeting 

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference Start Date: 6/01/19
Conference End Date: 6/05/19
Total FDA cost of the conference:  $183,068
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA:  53

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s attendee to use the input from the event’s discussion on key, critical topics and recent development in assessment of high order structure in protein therapeutics to aid in future FDA’s guidance development.  

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The ICH Meeting brings together regulatory authorities and pharmaceutical industry to discuss scientific and technical aspects of drug registration. ICH responds to the increasingly global face of drug development. ICH's mission is to achieve greater harmonization worldwide to ensure that safe, effective, and high-quality medicines are developed and registered in the most resource efficient manner. 

Explanation/description of circumstances for conference exceeding $150,000:

The ICH Meeting is a widely-attended conference that brings together regulatory authorities and pharmaceutical professionals together to discuss and streamline way to register drugs globally.  Due to the importance of the meeting and conference location, 58 FDA professionals attended causing the cost to exceed $150,000.

5. American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting (ASCO)

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Chicago, Illinois
Conference Start Date: 5/31/19
Conference End Date: 6/4/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $174,575
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 51

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

Advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA attendees to better understand and gain new knowledge on Medical, Health, Breast Cancer, Oncology, Cancer, Medical Oncology, Cancer Treatment, Immunotherapy, Colorectal Cancer, Skin Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Melanoma, Pediatric Oncology, Gynecologic Cancer and Tumor Biology. Attending this conference is critical because it helps FDA support the professional development of early-career oncologists from the Agency.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The ASCO Conference covers Medical, Health, Breast Cancer, Oncology, Cancer, Medical Oncology, Cancer Treatment, Immunotherapy, Colorectal Cancer, Skin Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Melanoma, Pediatric Oncology, Gynecologic Cancer and Tumor Biology.  The guides contained space for patients to record the specifics of their individual diagnosis and treatment plan. With the number of cancer patients projected to grow dramatically in the years ahead in the United States and worldwide, they must do everything possible to ensure that we are well-positioned to deliver the care they will need. Yet, anticipating—and preparing for—the future is an absolute necessity for the oncology field.  ASCO International supports the professional development of early-career oncologists from all over the world.

Explanation/description of circumstances for conference exceeding $150,000:

The ASCO Annual Meeting is a critical conference that provides the latest studies in Medical, Health, Breast Cancer, Oncology, Cancer, Medical Oncology, Cancer Treatment, Immunotherapy, Colorectal Cancer, Skin Cancer, Cancer Prevention, Melanoma, Pediatric Oncology, Gynecologic Cancer and Tumor Biology. Because of the importance of the meeting, 60 FDA professionals attended causing the cost to exceed $150,000.

6. American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting (AACR)

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Conference Start Date: 3/29/19
Conference End Date: 4/3/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $164,572
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 57

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

Attending the AACR advanced the mission of the FDA because it allowed FDA professionals to participate in a meeting that highlighted both the cutting-edge science presented at the meeting as well as the perspective of patient advocates who participated in the AACR Scientist-Survivor Program. In addition, meeting attendees received expert summaries of the scientific highlights during a Wrap-Up Plenary Session.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The AACR Annual Meeting program covers the latest discoveries across the spectrum of cancer research—from population science and prevention; to cancer biology, translational, and clinical studies; to survivorship and advocacy—and highlights the work of the best minds in research and medicine from institutions all over the world.

Explanation/description of circumstances for conference exceeding $150,000:

The programs and services of the AACR fostered the exchange of knowledge and new ideas among scientists dedicated to cancer research, provide training opportunities for the next generation of cancer researchers, and increase public understanding of cancer. In particular, the field of oncology is changing extremely rapidly, and the Agency must stay up‐to‐date with current trends and the scope of novel products in the pipeline. Because of the importance of the meeting, 49 FDA professionals attended causing the cost to exceed $150,000.

7. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Annual Meeting (SRNT)

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: San Francisco, California
Conference Start Date: 2/20/19
Conference End Date: 2/23/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $156,758
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 78

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

Attending the SRNT provided the opportunity for FDA attendees to meet with funded researchers and stakeholders concerning their research, to discuss research progress and future, as well as hear about the latest research which will help identify Nicotine and Tobacco research gaps. Information obtained impacted numerous FDA priorities and projects, from research to rulemaking to enforcement efforts.  The conference helped advance the FDA’s mission by promoting the safety, efficacy and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices as it relates to tobacco products.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The 2019 SRNT 25th Annual Meeting brought together a diverse range of tobacco and nicotine researchers and tobacco control practitioners to discuss their work and share ideas.  This year’s meeting highlighted cutting-edge research in nicotine and tobacco basic science, clinical, public health and policy

Explanation/description of circumstances for conference exceeding $150,000:

The SRNT Annual Meeting is a critical conference that provided presentations on pivotal clinical trials, new electronic nicotine delivery systems, effective mobile strategies for treatment and engage-ment, insights from basic science on the effects of nicotine, plus hot topics in the areas of nicotine reduction, tobacco use epidemiology, genomics, biomarkers, non-cigarette tobacco products, tobacco product regulation, cessation, and tobacco control policy. This meeting was key in developing FDA professions, therefore the FDA sent 78 attendees which caused the conference to exceed the cost of $150,000.

8. International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management (ICPTRM)

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Conference Start Date: 8/24/19
Conference End Date: 8/28/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $144,465
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 47

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

Attending the International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management  conference advanced the mission of the FDA because it allowed FDA professionals to gain knowledge that applied epidemiologic approaches to studying the use, effectiveness, value and safety of pharmaceuticalst that provided an unbiased scientific forum to the views of all parties with interests in drug development, drug delivery, drug use, drug costs, and drug effects.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology and Therapeutic Risk Management conference was a five-day program that provided new insights into the current issues and associated challenges impacting drug safety, focusing primarily on drug products and biologics, throughout all phases of development and marketed use. Top pharmaceutical, biotech and regulatory representatives who are experts in their field will discussed new and updated legislation in various regions, important new harmonization initiatives, risk management life-cycle, benefit-risk assessment, the impact of social media, and the use of other data sources and observational research.

9. 133rd Annual Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) Meeting

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Denver, Colorado
Conference Start Date: 9/06/19
Conference End Date: 9/12/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $123,642
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 38

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The 133rd Annual Association of Official Analytical Chemists meeting advanced the mission for the FDA by advancing regulatory science, awareness of new concepts in the field, and innovations in method development in the area of veterinary medicine.  It is mission critical that FDA staff remain current on the state of the art on these important analytical techniques and instrumentations.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This event is a forum for finding appropriate science-based solutions through the development of microbiological and chemical standards. AOAC standards are used globally to promote and to facilitate public health and safety. AOAC develops analytical methods for a broad spectrum of safety interests including; foods and beverages, dietary supplements, infant formula, feeds, fertilizers, soil and water, veterinary drugs, pharmaceuticals and more. AOAC's extensive membership, volunteer base and industry partners are made up of; government agencies, academic international organizations, laboratories, contract research organizations, rapid assay developers, high technology providers; and instrument manufacturers AOAC's primary activity is the development of globally accepted standards.

10. Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society Regulatory Convergence 
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Conference Start Date: 9/21/19
Conference End Date: 9/24/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $122,190
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 19

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by providing FDA’s attendees with an opportunity to connect with leaders from industry, government, and academia and gain more insight into global regulatory strategies. In addition, FDA presented on FDA’s current initiatives and recent developments and how these initiatives may affect the industry.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The Convergence is the largest annual conference for regulatory professionals working in the healthcare product space. Attendees, speakers, and exhibitors gathered to learn, network, discuss hot topics, and drove regulatory excellence.  The Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society is the largest global organization of and for those involved with the regulation of healthcare and related products, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, biologics and nutritional products.  Provided a presentation that outlined FDA’s current initiatives and recent developments and how they may affect the industry.

11. Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO) Annual Educational Conference
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Conference Start Date: 6/22/19
Conference End Date: 6/26/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $105,894
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 47

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The AFDO contributed to the knowledge of FDA staff on how to understand and improve efforts when drafting and publishing rules and regulations by collaborating with an organization that focuses on streamlining and simplifying regulations by either drafting regulatory rules or by commenting on government proposals. Additionally, FDA is a member of AFDO and serves in an advisory role on several committees, tasked with educating members consisting of food and drug regulatory officials and industry. FDA attendance fostered collaboration and leveraging of effective public health programs and supports enhanced compliance within regulated industry. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This conference had several sessions and presentations on implementing FDA initiatives and developing an integrated food safety system. Most sessions involved interaction with panel and roundtable discussions to engage participants in discussions with representatives from FDA, state and local government programs and industry, and serves as an opportunity for growers, educators, advocates, academics and researchers to interact and gain knowledge through farm tours, workshops and day-long training sessions.

12. Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting

Applicable Conference Type: Non- FDA Conference Attended by FDA    
Conference Location: Baltimore, Maryland    
Conference Start Date: 3/10/19    
Conference End Date: 3/14/19    

Total FDA cost of the conference: $101,549    
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 87

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The Society of Toxicology Annual meeting advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s scientist to develop ideas for future projects that will be beneficial to FDA. Additionally, the sharing of up to date research and technology methods with others to educate and protect the public health, allows scientist to keep up to date in the latest advances assessment of toxicities associated with medical devices, new materials, or combination devices to assist in reviews/memos/consults on devices that incorporate these materials or require performance testing in involving toxicological analysis. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This event features a broad range of scientific sessions and a thematic program that provides participants with a unique opportunity to deepen their knowledge in topical areas and interact with leaders in their respective disciplines. 

13. The National Conference of Tobacco or Health (NCTOH)

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Conference Start Date: 8/27/19
Conference End Date: 8/29/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $98,142
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 65

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

Attending the NCTOH advanced the mission of the FDA because it allowed FDA to advance relationships and communications with key stakeholders in order to advance FDA regulatory priorities and communications. FDA staff are responsible for forming, maintaining and advancing constructive relationships with key stakeholders and this conference provides an opportunity for FDA to meet and engage with stakeholders that have an interest in the work and mission of FDA and bring back information from them to inform FDA priorities.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The National Conference on Tobacco or Health is one of the largest, long-standing gathering for the top United States tobacco control professionals, researchers, Federal, state, local, territorial and tribal government regulators, program managers, policy leaders, advocates, community organizations and others interested in tobacco issues. The 3-day event attracted a diversity of public health professionals committed to best practices and policies to reduce tobacco use. NCTOH provides an opportunity for professional development, networking, face to face meeting with key leaders and public officials working in tobacco use prevention, cessation and regulation. 

14. Advamed MedTech Conference 2019

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Conference Start Date: 9/23/19
Conference End Date: 9/25/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $91,397
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 36

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

Attending the Advamed MedTech Conference 2019 advanced the mission of the FDA because FDA professionals benefited from more than 100 sessions featuring 300+ speakers covering a variety of hot topics including cybersecurity, EU MDR, trade, inspections, M&A, precision medicine, AI, value-based care and many more.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This conference brings together key stakeholders that work to innovate medical devices through new regulatory submissions. The topics they discussed regarding patient input, clinical trial design and ways to innovate device research through quantitative or methodological innovation. The MedTech Conference brought together more than 3,000 attendees to network, conduct business, gain access to capital and share insights.

15. American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) Educational Conference 

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Conference Start Date: 10/13/18
Conference End Date: 10/16/18    

Total FDA cost of the conference: $90,617
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 45

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The AABB conference advanced the mission of FDA thru the education of FDA Consumer Safety Officers on best practices, new practices, new advances and emerging technologies, and case studies. It is mission critical that FDA staff continue to participate in these educational workshops to stay current and further knowledge in the blood banking industry and interact with the industry and other regulatory counter-parts for a uniform understanding of the laws and regulations, enhance compliance. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The education sessions provided insights and solutions for physicians and other health care professionals who practice in transfusion medicine and cellular therapies, and further advanced their knowledge, skills, and abilities. The event provided an opportunity for attendees to disseminate the latest developments in laboratory, clinical, and administrative practices in transfusion medicine, patient blood management and cellular therapies.

16. 2018 CORESETA Congress
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Kunming, China
Conference Start Date: 10/22/18
Conference End Date: 10/26/18
Total FDA cost of the conference: $89,581
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 7    

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The 2018 CORESETA Congress was mission critical to the FDA because it allowed FDA’s attendees to critically review and evaluate extensive number of tobacco-related research areas with impact on tobacco regulatory compliance and enforcement as well as FDA application reviews.  Information gained allowed FDA staff to better oversee the laboratory regulatory research funded by FDA both internally and externally and identify existing or developing research that may be leveraged to enhance FDA’s compliance and enforcement mission.   

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This event focused on the scientific work of CORESTA and its members within four areas- Agronomy & Leaf Integrity, Phytopathology & Genetics, Smoke Science, and Product Technology.  Within each of the four areas the collaborative work of the various sub-Groups and Task Forces, smaller units which are dedicated to specific objectives, was presented during the conference by a myriad of international experts.  The Congress also provided a forum for scientists, regulators and other stakeholders to share and discuss their research, be informed about current challenges in the industry and plan future collaborative projects

17. 15th International Congress of Toxicology 
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Conference Start Date: 7/15/19
Conference End Date: 7/18/19    

Total FDA cost of the conference: $80,579
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 21

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The 15th International Conference of Toxicology conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s attendees to engage in the latest developments in toxicological science and regulations. Attendance allowed interacting and networking with international colleagues that are on the forefront of exploring the latest developments in the field. These new scientific developments will help FDA to keep current with the new technologies that are part of FDA’s daily work as FDA seek to protect the public health.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The event served as a global forum for the exchange of ideas that can create impacts at all time scales, create lasting partnerships, and lead to measurable elevation of the competency of toxicologists globally. In addition, the event included an inclusive and diverse program that highlighted excellence in science and practice of toxicology around the globe. An exciting slate of Symposia, Keynote Lectures, and other courses drew attendees from around the world with informative and inspiring strategies that can be implemented to improve human and environmental health in countries with both robust and developing research and regulatory enterprises.

18. 8th Annual Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Alliance Meeting 
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Houston, Texas
Conference Start Date: 4/08/19
Conference End Date: 4/12/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $76,854
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 52

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The 8th Annual Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Alliance Meeting provided an opportunity for attendees to have direct face-to-face communication with State partners who implement the Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS) and performing work under contracts or cooperative agreements for manufactured laboratory support that will aid the migration toward a nationally integrated food safety system. Achieving conformance with the MFRPS by State manufactured food regulatory programs is critical for advancing an integrated national food safety system, as mandated by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This meeting consisted of presentations and breakout sessions to discuss the elements of the MFRPS and ISO Accreditation. As part of the discussion best practices of a high-quality regulatory program were discussed. The meeting also encouraged continuous improvement and innovation. 

19. Rapid Response Teams (RRT) Annual Meeting
Applicable Conference Type: Hosted FDA Conference
Conference Location: Austin, Texas
Conference Start Date: 12/11/18
Conference End Date: 12/13/18

Total FDA cost of the conference: $74,888
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 59

 Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The Rapid Response Team Annual Meeting was critical in advancing the mission of the FDA by providing strategies on how to respond to human and animal food emergencies.  FDA reviewed progress made by grantees during the past year, discussed projects for the upcoming year, and incorporated learning objectives (e.g. commodity specific training/seminars) into the meetings.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The RRT Face to Face meeting is a meeting with a series of sites (state grantees of the RRT Cooperative Agreement and their corresponding District Office) that fulfills FDA’s programs oversight and assistance requirements. FDA grants have clear goals and expectations (requirements) for activities related to mentorship, national collaboration and best practices, and the annual meeting is important in fulfilling this goal. Contributing content to the meeting and attending the meeting is a requirement under the cooperative agreement. 

20. 67th American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference and Allied Topics

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Conference Start Date: 6/2/19
Conference End Date: 6/6/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $73,456
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 26
Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s attendees to learn new techniques and take training on new technology and its application of mass spectrometry. Also, the 67th American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference and Allied Topics helped FDA employees to learn from the leading developers in the field and to learn new and innovative practices to bring back to the FDA, which was beneficial for future job performance on providing scientific assessment and evaluation of animal drug safety efficacy.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The annual American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) conference on mass spectrometry and allied topics attracts experts from chemistry and spectroscopy, who present oral sessions, posters, and topic specific workshops. Manufactures demonstrated their new cutting-edge developments and application of new instruments and equipment. All these activities conferred concepts and assessments to advance education for chemistry and mass spectrometry subjects. 

21. Institute for Food Technologist Annual Conference 
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Conference Start Date: 6/01/19
Conference End Date: 6/05/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $72,482
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 40

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:
The Institute for Food Technologist Annual Conference provided FDA’s attendees an opportunity to obtained knowledge to perform duties more proficiently while educating the public about its mission.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This annual conference is one of the largest events of its kind that brings together food scientists representing research, safety, technology, policy makers from around the world.  The conference provides an opportunity to transform collective knowledge into innovative solutions to help advance food safety, nutrition, and sustainability.  

22. AAPS PharmSci 360  
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Washington, District of Columbia
Conference Start Date: 11/4/18
Conference End Date: 11/7/18
Total FDA cost of the conference: $66,010
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 80

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

AAPS PharmSci 360 provided FDA’s pharmacists an opportunity to learn the most up-to-date information in all aspects of pharmaceutical sciences.  As FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human drugs, FDA’s pharmacists now have more information at their disposal in order to provide better quality reviews of drug applications.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This event provided an indispensable opportunity to FDA staff to interact directly with experts and thought leaders in industry, academia, and regulatory agencies. This event offered ten different tracks and sub-tracks with accompanying symposia and events encompassing both biomolecular and chemical areas.

23. 54th United States Public Health Service Scientific and Training Symposium
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Conference Start Date: 5/06/19
Conference End Date: 5/09/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $65,507
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 11

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The 54th United States Public Health Service Scientific and Training Symposium conference was mission essential to the FDA because it provided FDA’s Commission Corp Officers a platform to maintain licensure and professional competency.  Commission Corps Officers assigned to FDA must take continuing education coursework each year and attending this event enables them to keep current with state-of-the-art practices and technology and to remain proficient in the various FDA programs to which they are assigned. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This event is the only conference that is dedicated to the Commissioned Corps where officers can receive continuing education credits, network with other officers across different agencies, and learn more about the new initiatives and requirements for their specific category. 

24. ID Week 2018 (Infectious Disease) 
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: San Francisco, California
Conference Start Date: 10/03/18
Conference End Date: 10/07/18

Total FDA cost of the conference: $64,567
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 22

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The event provided FDA healthcare professionals in infectious diseases and related disciplines unparalleled access to credible research and innovative practitioners. The event provided state-of-the-art updates on key topics and issues. The material presented at this meeting allowed the attendees to most efficiently and accurately contribute to FDA’s reviews by providing state-of-the art recommendations. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This event is the annual scientific meeting where infectious diseases professionals can meet, share experiences, and develop collaborations. The event featured the latest science and bench-to-bedside approaches in prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and epidemiology of infectious diseases, including HIV, across the lifespan. The event was geared toward healthcare professionals in infectious diseases and healthcare epidemiology and prevention, including researchers, clinicians, quality and patient safety practitioners, epidemiologists, and public health officials, including those who see HIV and pediatric patients.

25. American College of Toxicology 2018 Annual Meeting

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: West Palm Beach, Florida
Conference Start Date: 11/04/18
Conference End Date: 11/07/18
Total FDA cost of the conference: $55,624
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 35

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The American College of Toxicology 2018 Annual Conference provided attendees an opportunity to obtain information on the current methodologies used in the risk assessment of industrial chemical, pesticides, and herbicides.  FDA scientists received the most up to date risk assessment information over toxicology and can be leveraged in the development of new policies and approving new feed ingredients. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The American College of Toxicology 2018 Annual Meeting venue offered discussions and presentations on emerging trends in the field of toxicology, networking with colleagues, and obtain professional development. The program provided quality scientific and regulatory content that was directly applicable to the practice of toxicology. 

26. Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI) 2019 Annual Conference

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Washington, District of Columbia
Conference Start Date: 5/2/19
Conference End Date: 5/4/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $51,752
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 73    

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The FDLI annual conference advanced the FDA mission through the presentation of the FDA’s 2018 strategic priorities by the Acting Commissioner, Chief Counsel, and leadership of FDA’s product Centers. The discussions presented at this conference focused on debated areas of medical device law that were particularly relevant to FDA. The attendees were responsible for providing regulatory and policy related guidance. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The FDLI annual conference provided a venue for stakeholders to inform innovative public policy, law, and regulation. FDLI’s scope covers all industries regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and related agencies and authorities in the U.S. and globally, including drugs, medical devices, food, dietary supplements, cosmetics, veterinary, and tobacco products. Hundreds of people from across the food and drug law community attended this annual event to hear directly from leading regulators, both within and outside FDA, explore different viewpoints, shape policy, and advance understanding. 

27. American Society for Quality World Conference on Quality and Improvement

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Fort Worth, Texas
Conference Start Date: 5/20/19
Conference End Date: 5/24/19
Total FDA cost of the conference:  $51,603
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA:  24

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s attendees to have a presence in the global quality community which provided the opportunity to establish connections with other quality leaders, to see the latest in quality methodologies, and how they have utilized continuous improvement initiatives to improve productivity and increase operational efficiency through successful quality implementations. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This event focused on the relationships among the FDA and regulatory compliance quality assurance staff. It also allowed the sharing of information among FDA’s representatives and the regulatory compliance quality assurance community and provided education, training, communication and information exchange. The event also enhanced regulation understanding, improved comprehension of guidelines and practices, and imparted methods and opportunities to increase research professional’s product development experience.

28. Tobacco Products Regulation and Policy Conference

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Washington, DC
Conference Start Date: 10/25/18
Conference End Date: 10/26/18

Total FDA cost of the conference: $49,662
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 38

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by giving FDA’s attendees an opportunity to present the latest updates on regulations, guidance documents, and other initiatives. The conference also included several timely tobacco and nicotine issues that allowed for interactive dialogues between the FDA and the audience. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

Tobacco and Nicotine Products Regulation and Policy Conference was a platform to join a diverse number of stakeholders—public health advocates, researchers, manufacturers, lawyers, consumer interest groups, entrepreneurs, governmental agencies and others—for the two-day conference on effectively regulating the broad spectrum of tobacco and nicotine products in the U.S. and globally. 

29. Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2019 Annual Meeting
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Anaheim, California
Conference Start Date: 6/22/19
Conference End Date: 6/25/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $49,150
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 11
Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s attendees an opportunity to keep abreast of advances in medical imaging, discussions on thyroid cancer theranostics, mental health and wellness in nuclear medicine, quantitative clinical practice, radiation dosimetry in nuclear oncology, individualized dosimetry and radioisotope production for theranostics.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging is a nonprofit scientific and professional organization that promotes the science, technology and practical application of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. SNMMI strives to be a leader in unifying, advancing and optimizing molecular imaging, with an ultimate goal of improving human health. 

30. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases 2018 Annual Liver Meeting
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: San Francisco, California
Conference Start Date: 11/9/18
Conference End Date: 11/13/18

Total FDA cost of the conference: $48,842
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 16

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s attendees to stay abreast of new and emerging therapies in this field of work and professional development training. This is important to FDA staff since in recent years, there has been renewed interest in the field of HBV drug development focusing on novel therapies with finite treatment duration. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The Liver Meeting provided cutting-edge programming that specifically targeted the diverse needs of hepatology professionals. Attendees were expected to learn the most up-to-date clinical and basic research trends in liver disease from renowned experts in the field. Session content features were a full spectrum of topics including Hepatitis C, liver transplantation, and value-based care, in addition to common conundrums in the treatment of liver disease, cases and abstract presentations designed to provide insight and global perspectives on treatment and management strategies.

31. Association of American Feed Control Official
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Conference Start Date: 8/3/19
Conference End Date: 8/7/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $44,122
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 39

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s attendees to meet and work collaboratively with other regulatory agencies to ensure public health. In addition, FDA staff served as advisors on various committees. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This event provided a forum for the regulatory agencies, both state and federal, to meet and discuss important areas of concern regarding the regulation of animal foods, and drugs used in these foods. The event achieved three main goals: ensure consumer protection; safeguard the health of animals and people; and provide a level playing field for the animal food industries. The event also provided a forum for discussing analytical and manufacturing methodologies associated with animal food regulatory issues.

32. American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Orlando, Florida
Conference Start Date: 3/31/19
Conference End Date: 4/4/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $42,858
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 41

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition conference advanced the mission of the FDA by providing FDA’s attendees an opportunity to obtain enhanced knowledge about cutting-edge science in the area of chemical sciences and to apply it to science-based review of chemistry, manufacturing and controls in drug applications and regulatory practices.  This will benefit the American Public by enhancing the FDA’s mission of ensuring safe and effective generic drugs.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This event is where chemistry professionals met to share ideas and advance scientific and technical knowledge. By attracting thousands of chemical professionals, the meeting provided excellent opportunities for sharing the passion for chemistry, connecting with the world’s largest scientific society, and advance attendees career in this ever-changing global economy.

33. FDA Xavier MedCon Conference
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Conference Start Date: 4/30/19
Conference End Date: 5/3/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $41,059
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 33

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The FDA Xavier MedCon Conference was mission essential as it provided updates to the medical device industry on the specifics of what the FDA investigators are seeing as trends when they are conducting inspections.  It also allowed FDA staff to receive information on new requirements and policy that assisted them in performing medical device inspections. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This conference brought the global medical device community together to openly discuss the most pressing issues facing our industry. Participants had the opportunity to influence decisions and have their voice heard as they interacted with leading FDA officials and field investigators, along with global industry experts.

34. Annual National Consortium for Produce Safety
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Orlando, Florida
Conference Start Date: 3/5/19
Conference End Date: 3/8/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $38,149
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 29
Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

FDA Subject Matter experts participated in each workgroup to provide FDA vision and guidance to state and territorial awardees as they implement produce safety programs. This effort was designed to ensure funding is being used effectively and efficiently when developing individual state and territorial programs and awardees are on track. FDA senior leadership was in attendance to provide guidance and direction to state and territorial awardees to ensure consistency of implementation on a national level. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

NASDA grows and enhances agriculture by forging partnerships and creating consensus to achieve sound policy outcomes between state departments of agriculture, the federal government, and stakeholders.

35. Society of Quality Assurance Annual Meeting and Quality College
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Conference Start Date: 4/28/19
Conference End Date: 5/2/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $38,032
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 13

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The Society of Quality Assurance Annual Meeting and Quality College advanced the mission of FDA by providing an opportunity to participate in discussions about current issues related to study data and integrity, good laboratory practices, good clinical practices, regulatory compliance, bioanalytical issues and more. All these scientific areas have a significant impact on FDA’s mission of approving safe and effective drugs and ensuring the health of humans and animals.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This annual meeting brought together data quality professionals to discuss current issues related to study data and integrity. Participants stayed current on relevant topics for quality assurance professionals and present on the current quantitative structure activity relationship process in FDA.

36. National Environmental Health Association Annual Educational Conference

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Nashville, Tennessee
Conference Start Date: 7/7/19
Conference End Date: 7/12/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $37,914
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 10
Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s attendees to network with public health professionals, and to learn about emerging topics, trends, and best practices in the field of environmental health as it relates to outbreak surveillance, response, and prevention.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The Annual Educational Conference & Exhibition brought together environmental health professionals from around the globe to learn and discuss current and emerging environmental health topics and issues. Participants discovered how the local voices of agencies, industries, and levels of government provide unique perspectives and how they fit into the universal language of environmental health.

37. Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) 2018 Annual Meeting

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: New Orleans, Louisiana 
Conference Start Date: 12/2/18
Conference End Date: 12/6/18

Total FDA cost of the conference: $37,200
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 25

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

FDA’s attendees obtained a deeper understanding of risk communication, perception, and analysis which the FDA Staff uses to inform FDA’s future policy initiatives and impact analyses. Since regulatory impact analysis is required for all FDA regulatory initiatives, this meeting supported all sections of the Tobacco Control Act including Sections 905-911 and 915.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

This meeting of scientists and practitioners trained in multiple disciplines and employed across a variety of organizations to discuss all avenues of risk analysis with other risk enthusiasts from around the globe.  This meeting allowed attendees to meet with others within their field from various other organizations and backgrounds to learn from their diverse perspectives. The SRA meeting had a wide range of symposia regarding risk analysis, including but not limited to, talks regarding evolving methodology and risk communication.

38. 9th American Conference on Pharmacometrics

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: San Diego, California
Conference Start Date: 10/7/18
Conference End Date: 10/10/18
Total FDA cost of the conference: $36,852
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 18

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

FDA delivered topics and presentations to the pharmaceutical community, receive updated information regarding pharmaceuticals, and bring knowledge back to their peers.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

Over the years, American Conference on Pharmacometrics  has grown to be the conference dedicated to the fields of pharmacometrics and systems pharmacology, with more than 1000 members from over 30 countries. The mission is to promote and advance the discipline of pharmacometrics through Integration, Innovation, and Impact. As the annual meeting of the society, American Conference on Pharmacometrics reflected its mission by featuring scientific symposia and poster sessions, invited lectures, tutorials, student and trainee events, pre- and post-meeting workshops, and abundant networking opportunities with attendees from around the world.

39. American Chemical Society National Meeting

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: San Diego, California
Conference Start Date: 8/25/19
Conference End Date: 8/29/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $36,459
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 22

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The American Society National Meeting advanced the mission of FDA by providing FDA’s attendees a platform to access data and information related to food ingredients that FDA staff uses to stay current with the science, technology, and policies needed for FDA staff who are Biologists. The American Chemical Society National Meeting provided insight into emerging trends and products that may be coming down the pike and require FDA oversight.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The ACS National Meeting & Exposition attracts chemists, chemical engineers, academics, graduate and postdoctoral students, and other professionals. The latest developments in materials and chemistry were discussed. This training was useful to fully understand the newest developments in medical devices. Some topics of discussion included drug discovery, medical devices, biological chemistry, toxicology, enzyme chemistry, materials, catalysis, polymerization, micelle dynamics, and nanotechnology. 

40. American Veterinary Medical Association Convention
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location:    Washington, DC
Conference Start Date: 8/2/19
Conference End Date: 8/6/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $35,862
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 47
Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s attendees to learned about the latest updates in drug approvals, One Health, and technologies relevant to the improvement of human and animal health. Attendees also had the opportunity to hear presentations from their colleagues in these matters. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The AVMA represents the interests of veterinarians through strategically targeted advocacy in Congress, with regulatory agencies, and before the courts. At the state level, AVMA work as trusted partners to complement the advocacy work of state veterinary medical associations. Powered by the strength and support of AVMA’s diverse membership, AVMA puts ideas into action around issues important to veterinarians, veterinary teams, animal patients, and clients.

41. 2019 Western Association of Food and Drug Officials and FDA Southwest Region Retail Food Safety Meeting

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Conference Start Date: 8/18/19
Conference End Date: 8/21/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $35,840
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 26
Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s to improve relations, trust among state and industry partners, and provided an excellent opportunity to provide FDA’s perspective at this important gathering of Food and Drug officials. Attendance was also an integral part of relationship-building and partnership activities. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The Western Association of Food and Drug Officials is organized for the purpose of enhancing communication, collaboration, and cooperation with the respective local, state, and federal programs and for promoting the development and enforcement of uniform food, drug, devices, and consumer protection laws.

42. 2019 Society Photo-Optical Instrumentations Engineers Photonics West Conference
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: San Francisco, California
Conference Start Date: 2/2/19
Conference End Date: 2/9/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $34,767
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 9
Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

The Society Photo-Optical Instrumentations Engineers Photonics West Conference advanced the FDA mission as a forum for FDA to showcase regulatory science research including several on regulatory submissions, and presenting the FDA’s work with invited and regular talks. Every FDA attendee to the Society Photo-Optical Instrumentations Engineers Photonics Conference is a co-author on at least one talk and most on multiple talks. Collectively, FDA is part of 4 organizing committees and presented more than 10 papers at the conference. The interactions we have with academics, industry, and other government researchers is invaluable for shaping FDA’s current and future research program areas. The conference is central to the mission of the FDA to protect and promote public health.
General description of the scientific conference activities:

Society Photo-Optical Instrumentations Engineers Photonics West Conference is the largest bio photonics conference in the world, featuring tens of thousands of attendees and thousands of speakers and vendors across this important medical device field. The interactions with academics, industry, and other government researchers is invaluable for shaping current and future research program areas. Society Photo-Optical Instrumentations Engineers Photonics keep abreast of new innovations in medical device technology, particularly new methods to assess performance of bio photonics products. 

43. American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists Midyear 2018 Clinical Meeting and Exhibition

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Anaheim, California
Conference Start Date: 12/2/18
Conference End Date: 12/6/18

Total FDA cost of the conference: $34,001
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 14
Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

Allowing FDA professionals to attend this conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s pharmacists to participate in educational symposiums with the world’s largest gathering of pharmacy professionals. The American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists is committed to helping fulfill FDA’s increasingly demanding role in the pharmacy department, and they provided more content relevant to the needs and goals of FDA in promoting and protecting the public health.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists represents pharmacists who serve as patient care providers in acute and ambulatory settings. The organization’s members include pharmacists, student pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians. For more than 75 years, ASHP has been at the forefront of efforts to improve medication use and enhance patient safety. 

44. 13th Workshop on Recent Issues in Bioanalysis (WRIB)

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Conference Start Date: 4/1/2019
Conference End Date: 4/5/2019
Total FDA cost of the conference: $32,438
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 20
Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s attendees to understand the analytical requirements for assay validation in the development of biomarkers. FDA was requested to speak at this conference. Attending and speaking at this conference was a key element to improve biomarker submissions to the Biomarker. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

WRIB continues its well-established tradition to provide novel solutions in drug discovery/development and promote innovation in method development in bioanalysis, biomarkers and immunogenicity. The 2019 edition had a very special focus on the ICH M10 Draft Bioanalytical Method Validation Guideline.

45. Next Generation Nicotine Delivery USA 2019
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Miami, Florida
Conference Start Date: 4/30/2019
Conference End Date: 5/1/2019
Total FDA cost of the conference: $32,230
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 10

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

This conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s attendees to better plan, create, and execute enforcement activities related to the FDA’s mission. Attendance to this conference was also directly related to the FDA’s Strategic Priorities (IV – Compliance and Enforcement).

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The Next Generation Nicotine Delivery Conference brought together e-liquid and e-cigarette manufacturers from small-mid size and big tobacco company to debate the most pressing issues. The conference provided information on the latest regulations and customer trends from the distribution landscape and international opportunities to tackling the most pressing issues within the vaping industry. The event was interactive, including 3 panel discussions, on-stage debates, roundtables and a large range of case studies.

46. American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting (ASN)

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: San Diego, California
Conference Start Date: 10/23/18
Conference End Date: 10/28/18
Total FDA cost of the conference: $31,899
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 6

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

FDA’s participation in the American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting was critical to the FDA because allowed FDA professionals to join more than 13,000 other kidney professionals from across the globe at Kidney Week 2018 in San Diego, CA. Kidney Week provided participants exciting and challenging opportunities to exchange knowledge, learn the latest scientific and medical advances, and listen to engaging and provocative discussions with leading experts in the field.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The ASN annual meeting is the premier and most widely attended scientific meeting in the field of Nephrology in the U.S. and it is the forum for the presentation of new research and upcoming technologies.  This meeting helps professionals worldwide to stay current in the field and learn about the devices, technologies and issues that we are or will be evaluating in our everyday review work.

47. International Foundation Process Analytical Chemistry Meeting

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Bethesda, Maryland
Conference Start Date: 3/3/19
Conference End Date: 3/6/19
Total FDA cost of the conference: $30,399
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 34

Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

FDA’s participation in the International Foundation Process Analytical Chemistry Meeting was critical to the FDA because it aided in the implementation of advanced pharmaceutical manufacturing advanced control strategies and emerging technologies. Attendance to this meeting for the FDA was a priority for research, review, and policy.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The International Foundation Process Analytical Chemistry Meeting was a scientific research conference which covered areas like advancing manufacturing science, emerging technologies, modernize pharmaceutical & bio-processing manufacturing and development. It was a great opportunity to meet and interact with the attendees from industry, academics, and regulations and present related work performed at the FDA.

48. 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting Radiological Society

Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Chicago, Illinois
Conference Start Date: 11/25/18
Conference End Date: 11/30/18

Total FDA cost of the conference: $30,339
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 15
Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

Attendance at this meeting allowed FDA to actively participate in working group meetings, scientific sessions, and workshops concerning cutting edge technologies. Participation enabled FDA to provide input on items of concern to the entire radiological community and to interact with stakeholders. This greatly affect their ability as reviewers to communicate issues of importance to FDA and understand issues of importance to the end­users of radiological devices. 

General description of the scientific conference activities:

The lectures and activities provided at this year’s meeting of the 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting Radiological share many goals with attendees and these lectures and activities were of critical importance to the continuing collaborative relationship that the scientific professionals shared with end users of medical physics technology, the research community, and industry. 

49. Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy 2019
Applicable Conference Type: Non-FDA Conference Attended by FDA
Conference Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Conference Start Date: 3/17/19
Conference End Date: 3/21/19

Total FDA cost of the conference: $30,125
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses were paid by the FDA: 22
Explanation of how conference advanced the mission of FDA:

Attendance to this conference advanced the mission of FDA by allowing FDA’s attendees to gained knowledge of laboratory equipment, instrumentation, participated in live demonstrations, and presented scientific posters developed by FDA’s scientists.

General description of the scientific conference activities:

Pittcon, a vital resource for knowledge, happens yearly to help keep attendees informed of, connected to and up-to-date on these significant ongoing findings and new instrumentation. Science is a dynamic and constantly evolving discipline. Every day, all over the world, scientists are making new discoveries; formulating new medicines to enhance the quality of life and solving global environmental, energy and food related challenges.

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