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OWH-Funded Research: Bioinformatics and Data Mining

The FDA Office of Women’s Health (OWH) awards research grants for 1-2 year studies to support FDA regulatory decision-making and advance the science of women’s health. OWH has funded research projects that address health issues affecting women across their lifespan. This page highlights OWH-funded research related to bioinformatics and data mining.

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Population-Based Computational Framework for Assessing Xenobiotic Disposition and Interaction Effects in Pregnant Women-Pilot Study - Annie Lumen, PhD, NCTR (13)

Continuation of a pilot study on performing sex analysis on a vaccine database – Jingyee Kou, PhD, Special funding/CBER (11)

A pilot study on performing sex analysis on a vaccine database – Jingyee Kou, PhD, Special funding/CBER (10)

Development of an FDA resource for sex difference-related pharmacogenomics data review-Phase II - Weida Tong, PhD, NCTR (09)

Detection and Confirmation of Gender Related Safety Signals Using the Electronic Healthcare Data from the Department of Defense - Ana Szarfman, MD PhD, CDER (08)

Development of a FDA Resource for Improved Efficiency of Sex Difference Related Pharmacogenomic Data Analysis and review - Weida Tong, PhD, NCTR (07)

Adverse Events Reporting System (AERS): Risk assessment, compliance, and management - Ralph Lillie, RPh, CDER, (98)

Data mining techniques for identifying potential serious drug interactions in women - Ana Szarfman, MD PhD, CDER (98)

Visualization tools for studying gender differences - Ana Szarfman, MD PhD, CDER (97)

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