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FDA Plain Language Award Recipients

2021 Plain Language Award Recipients

Office of the Commissioner (OC)
Honor Awards Plain Language Award

The Plain Language Award is presented at the OC Honor Awards Ceremony to formally recognize FDA writers who succeed in making our documents easier to read by communicating clearly using the tools and techniques of plain language

Office of the Chief Scientist
Office of Laboratory Safety (OLS) Safety Manuals Team

For the collaborative planning, development, and implementation of an Agency-wide Animal Exposure Program Guide

Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)
Honor Awards Plain Language Award

This honor award is presented to recognize those employees, individuals or groups, for their significant contribution towards the improvement of existing administrative, technical, or scientific communication enhancing the design and layout of the document while minimizing technical terminology, passive voice, and unclear language

Office of Training Education & Development (OTED)
Training Officer Handbook Implementation Team

For creating a user-focused handbook completely explaining how training officers coordinate the delivery of instructor-led training

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
FDA Plain Language Award

Oral Contraceptive Products Team

For facilitating a cohesive approach to the development of oral contraceptives

Shila Azodi, M.D.
Francis Becker, M.D.
CAPT Daniel Brum, Pharm.D., M.B.A.
Audrey Gassman, M.D.
Jody Green, M.D.
Karen Hicks, M.D., M.S.
Yoon Kong, Pharm.D.
Anandi Kotak, M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
Katherine Kratz, M.D.
Kevin Lorick, Ph.D.
Karen Mahoney, M.D.
Evelyn Mentari, M.D.
Theresa Michele, M.D.
Amanda Pike-McCrudden
Ruth Scroggs, Pharm.D.
CDR Danielle Terrell, Pharm.D., J.D., M.S.
Anna Thai, Pharm.D.
Elisabeth Walther, J.D., Pharm.D.
Gerald Willett, M.D.

Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
FDA Plain Language Award

Elissa Fuchs

For outstanding use of plain language to effectively inform all audiences of complex agency actions

Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
 FDA Plain Language Award

Stuart C. Jeffrey, DVM, MS

For creating a plain language document that helped stakeholders more easily and
accurately navigate the Minor Use and Minor Species Grant Program process



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