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FDA Logo Policy

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General Information

The FDA logo is for the official use of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and not for use on private sector materials. To the public, such use would send a message that FDA favors or endorses a private sector organization or the organization’s activities, products, services, and/or personnel (either overtly or tacitly), which FDA does not and cannot do. Unauthorized use of the FDA logo may violate federal law and subject those responsible to civil and/or criminal liability.

The FDA logo consists of two components— the Monogram and Wordmark. The lock-up of the two components is referred to as the, “primary logo.” When creating layouts, the space directly below the FDA Monogram to the top of the page on communications products must be clear of all text, artwork, headlines, etc.

The monogram is a spell-out of, “FDA” placed inside either an FDA Blue, FDA Black, or FDA White box. The Monogram and Wordmark follow a set relationship. This lock-up composition should not be altered in any way.

The FDA wordmark spells out, “U.S. Food and Drug” on one line, and “Administration” slightly smaller on a second line in lock-up. The FDA wordmark is the only content that may be shown to the right of the FDA monogram.

Use on Proposals or Consulting Deliverables

Contractors may not use the FDA logo on proposals or consulting deliverables.

Publications and Digital Products Developed by Contractors

If a contractor deliverable in digital format, or other reproducible copy, for the express purpose of being an FDA publication or digital product for FDA distribution to the public; then, and only then, may the contractor affix the FDA logo, under the direction and guidance of the FDA project officer and as approved by the Office of the Commissioner.

Private Sector or Contractor Logos on Government Publications

FDA components may not use private sector or contractor logos on Government publications or other Government communication products. Such use is prohibited. Whether or not the private sector organization is non-profit or commercial is not a factor.

Private sector logos constitute institutional advertising. Using a private sector logo on a Government communication product (regardless of intent) implies that the Government favors or endorses all that which the logo represents (see general information section for more information about the use rule).

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Logo Use and Colors

The FDA logo is for official use of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Approved uses are:

  • Printing purposes (pamphlets, posters, flyers, booklets, periodicals, etc.).
  • Exhibits and other public affairs-related materials.
  • Broadcast or storage media that take advantage of electronic technology.
    • They may include television, radio, Internet, fax, CD-ROMs, DVD, streaming video, and any other medium that requires electricity or digital encoding of information.
  • On FDA business cards.
  • Co-branding & Partnerships.

When creating a co-branding/partnership logo grouping for an FDA publication, the FDA Monogram must be the first logo to appear — right justified in a horizontal configuration.

The logo cannot be used:

  • By the private sector, including grantees, vendors, and contractors.
  • In combination with other elements to create a logo for an office or program.


The FDA logo is set for maximum visibility and impact. The logo may be scaled up as large as desired. The logo lock-up should never be smaller than the minimum horizontal and monogram size, or a size of less than 5/8 inch in length.

Logo Colors

FDA Blue is the dominant color of the brand, followed by FDA Dark Blue and White. For printing use CMYK, or consult your printing specialist for the equivalent spot (Pantone) color. For digital applications, use RGB or Hex values.

The official colors of the FDA logo are:

FDA Primary Logo Colors:

  1. FDA Blue
    1. RGB – 0 / 124 / 186
    2. CYMK – 95 / 41 / 6 / 0
  2. FDA Black
    1. RGB - R=46 G=41 B=37
    2. CMYK: C=66 M=64 Y=67 K=67
  3. FDA White
    1. RGB - N/A,
    2. CMYK: N/A

Single-Color Reproduction

  • The logo may appear in CMYK, in Black, or in White.
  • No partial colors or screen tints are allowed on the logo.
  • Sufficient contrast should be maintained between the logo and the field on which it is reproduced. FDA Blue is the preferred field when surprinting or overprinting the logo.

Two-Color Reproduction

  • Two-color or multi-color reproduction of the logo is not permitted.

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  • For high-resolution printing, please download the FDA_Logos.zip (1.79 MB). After extracting the logos from the zip file, open them from within a postscript program such as Adobe Illustrator® or Adobe Photoshop®. These programs will read Postscript® documents, and give you the ability to select, crop and save a single logo for high resolution printing.
  • These logos are best used for purposes of low resolution printing and/or Web publishing. To save a graphic using Windows®, hold the mouse on the desired logo, right-click, release, and select "Save picture as" from the menu bar. Using Macintosh®, while holding down the CTRL key, hold the mouse button down over the image until a window opens and select "Save this image as".
  • The FDA Visual Identity Guidelines should be used for guidance in applying the FDA Logo. The FDA Visual Identity Guidelines are located here in a high (7.63 MB) version and a low (4.49 MB) version.
FDA Logo Black Large
FDA Logo Blue Large
FDA Logo Medium
FDA Logo Blue Medium
FDA Logo Small
FDA Logo Blue Small
FDA Logo X-small
FDA Logo Blue X-small

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