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Mayumi Miller PhD.
Leadership Role

Division of Applied Veterinary Research


Mayumi Miller is a research biologist in the Division of Applied Veterinary Research, and joined the Division in 2019. She received her PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology from the University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine, in 2012 in the laboratory of Dr. Edward Morrisey.  She then completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development, in 2018, in the laboratory of Dr. Brant Weinstein.


Mayumi’s research activities have two main areas of focus: (1) determining the safety and efficacy of intentional genomic alterations in food and drug producing animals and (2) determining the safety of therapeutically administered stem cells and stem cell products.

Select Publications

Norris, A., Lee, S., Greenlees, K., Tadesse, D., Miller, M., and Lombardi, H. (accepted) Template plasmid integration in germline genome-edited cattle. Nature Biotechnology.

Miller MF, Gildea D, Monzo K, Pham VN, Aloi NM, Baxevanis A, Weinstein BM. (under revision). Profiling the in vivo endothelial translatome using AngioTag zebrafish.

Stratman AN, Farrelly O*, Mikelis C*, Miller MF*, Wang Z*, Burns M, Pezoa S, Pham VN, Castranova D, Davis A, Kilts T, Davis G, Gutkind SJ, Pan W, Weinstein BM (under revision). Anti-angiogenic effects of VEGF stimulation on endothelium deficient in phosphoinositide recycling. *equal contribution
Galanternik MV, Castranova D, Gore AV, Blewett N, Jung HM, Stratman AN, Kirby M, Miller MF, Iben J, Maraia R, Weinstein BM. (2017) A Novel Perivascular Cell Population in the Zebrafish Brain. eLife Apr 11;6. pii: e24369.
Castranova D, Davis AE, Lo, BD, Miller MF, Paukstelis PJ, Swift MR, Pham VN, Torres-Vázquez J, Bell K, Shaw KM, Kamei M, Weinstein BM. (2016) Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetase Deficiency Promotes Angiogenesis via the Unfolded Protein Response Pathway. ATVB Apr;36(4):655-62.
Miller MF, Cohen ED, Baggs JE, Hogenesch JB, Morrisey EE (2013) High Throughput Genomic Screen Identifies Multiple Factors That Promote Cooperative Wnt Signaling. PLoS ONE 8(1):e55782.
Miller MF, Cohen ED, Baggs J, Lu MM, Hogenesch J, Morrisey EE (2012) Wnt ligands signal in a cooperative manner to promote foregut organogenesis. PNAS 109(38). 15358-15353.
Cohen, ED, Miller MF, Wang Z, Moon RT, Morrisey EE. (2012) Wnt5a and Wnt11 are essential for second heart field progenitor development. Development 139(11). 1931-1940.
Hancock AS, Du A, Liu J, Miller M, May CL. (2010) Glucagon deficiency reduces hepatic glucose production and improves glucose tolerance in adult mice. Mol Endocrinol. 24(8). 1605-1614.
Degenhardt KR, Milewksi RC, Padmanabhan A, Miller M, Singh MK, Lang, D, Engleka KA, Wu M, Li J, Zhou D, Antonucci N, Li L, Epstein JA. (2010) Distinct enhancers at the Pax3 locus can function redundantly to regulate neural tube and neural crest expressions. Dev Biol. 339(2), 519-527.

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