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Data-Cyte Plus, Reverse-Cyte, Search-Cyte Reagent Red Blood Cells - STN 103898

STN #: 103898
Proper Name: Reagent Red Blood Cells
Tradename: Data- Cyte Plus, Reverse-Cyte, Search-Cyte Pool 0.8% Reagent Red Blood Cells
Manufacturer: Medion Grifols Diagnostics AG

  • Search-Cyte Pool 0.8% Reagent Red Blood Cells is for the detection and titration of unexpected antibodies in gel techniques.
  • Reverse-Cyte A1, B 0.8% and Reverse-Cyte® A1, A2 and B 0.8% Reagent Red Blood Cells are for for the confirmation of ABO Blood grouping and for titration of antibodies in gel techniques.
  • Data-Cyte Plus, Data-Cyte Plus 2 and Data-Cyte Extend 0.8 % Reagent Red Blood Cells is for the identification and titration of unexpected antibodies in gel
    techniques. Data-Cyte® Extend 0.8% cannot detect anti-D. It is also for use with the DG Gel 8 System.
  • Search-Cyte Plus and Search-Cyte TCS 0.8% Reagent Red Blood Cells are for the detection of unexpected antibodies in gel techniques.

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