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Animal Food Preventive Controls (PCAF) Rule Survey Cooperative Agreement Program

What is the Animal Food Preventive Controls Rule Survey (PCAF) Cooperative Agreement Program?

The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to obtain information to assist states in improving their efforts to address animal food safety by aligning their requirements and enforcement mechanisms with those of FDA. Better knowledge of state capabilities and intentions also will assist FDA in planning for implementation of the PCAF rule. The information will assist FDA and states in making long term improvements to the national integrated food safety system by strengthening federal and state collaboration and enhancing state program capacity and capability relating to animal food safety.

What are its goals?

The goal of this cooperative agreement is to facilitate long term improvements to the National Integrated Food Safety System by providing states with information to aid in the identification of needed changes and resources to enforce requirements for current good manufacturing practice (CGMPs), hazard analysis, and risk-based preventive controls for food for animals modeled after FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practice, hazard analysis, and the PCAF rule. The information also would assist FDA in implementing the PCAF rule.

Who is the current awardee?

Where can I get more information?

Specific questions on this program can be directed to the appropriate Office of Partnerships' contact within the Division of Partnership Investments and Agreements. Please visit the Office of Partnerships Contacts webpage to obtain a downloaded version of the staffing roster. 

Information for this funding opportunity can be found on Grants.gov: PCAF Rule Survey FOA

General questions may be directed to the Office of Partnerships' general mailbox: op.feedback@fda.hhs.gov

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