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  1. Regulatory News, Stories, and Features

The ORASpeaks podcast is a place to hear the stories and perspectives from the employees on FDA's frontlines, protecting public health.

Episode Title Description Link to Podcast Runtime
5 FDA Presence and Impact in Pacific Islands, Pt. 1 Listen to the latest episode of ORAspeaks where Associate Commissioner Michael Rogers provides an overview in part 1 of a 5 part series explaining the FDA’s presence in the Pacific Island Territories.    Listen (MP3) 9:23
4 What is SAVA?  Collaborations between the FDA, other agencies and state, local, territorial, and tribal partners are key to promoting public health. Listen about the latest collaboration that birthed an on-demand course series geared towards conducting self-assessment and verification audits (SAVA) of the FDA Retail Food Programs Standards. Guests: Steve Nattrass (FDA), Deirdra Holloway (FDA), Anna Floyd (NEHA) and Jason Reagan (GNR Public Health)  (Episode Date: 8-22-23)    Listen (MP3) 16:15
3 ORASpeaks Public Affairs 70th Anniversary ORA’s Public Affairs Program recently celebrated 70 years of existence. Hear some reflective stories from current and past public affairs specialists – Rosario Quintanilla, Maggie Fu and Nilda Vilegas. (Episode Date: 7-22-23)    Listen (MP3) 26:51
2 Operation Lascar with Assistant Commissioner for Criminal Investigations, Catherine Hermsen Assistant Commissioner for OCI – Catherine Hermsen discusses Operation Lascar and shares highlights from her recent European trip attended by over 40 countries to discuss an all-of-governments approach to combatting illicit health products. (Episode from 2022)   Listen (MP3) 8:47
1 Seafood Safety with Diana Zepp  ORA National Seafood Sensory Expert Diana Zepp shares her unique talent in ensuring the seafood consumers buy meets FDA standards. (Episode from 2022)   Listen (MP3) 11:45
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